« on: January 07, 2024, 10:14:22 PM »
Hi colcrabs,
I pretty much have your workflow and it's working for me.
I try to get the best input possible; this is key.
estimate image quality to keep the best.
detect markers at each chunk and check if markers are ok in photos.
align photos low or medium quality each chunk (batch)
build model and use bounding box to cut away pieces not needed (lost part of object will be in other chunk)
create model and generate masks from model
If you have photoshop you can skip modelmaking by building your masks there (both shape of model and focus blur can be masked there and merged with existing masks in metashape)
check masks
merge chunks. Markers and scale bars will be in new chunk.
start over with your photos with the masks to keypoints: align, high quality
Optimize your tie points:
1. Reconstruction uncertainty
2. Projection accuracy
3. Reprojection error
mind you: deleting tie points any different way than through optimization doesn't work. They will be back in dense cloud.
build your product; generate depth maps, dense cloud,
you can clean up dense point cloud by filtering: filter points by confidence I usually use.
generate mesh
check your mesh with model>confidence. preferably darkblue. If so: be happy. Red or yellow parts? Consider taking new photographs and add them to the project.
build texture if needed
Every project has it's own way of best workflow in my opinion.
good luck.