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Messages - Steve003

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Thanks for reply,
To you or Agisoft Tech Support, important question, as failing builds is not acceptable.

We need it fixed, not sure better is enough,
1. Textures. Is the blurred texture areas actually now solved, has 1.8 been created to actually solve it, ? Is it as good as Photoscan is on that now ?

2. Is it as good as Photoscan at aligning all images now ?

Is 1.8 created to fix these two fundamental flaws ?

One has to ask why such basics are worse in Metashape than Photoscan. A new version should be better than previous, especially years later. I have yet to get metashape to perform as good as Photoscan, just the 3D interface tools are better., and mesh from Depth maps.



General / Re: Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?
« on: November 19, 2021, 04:11:16 AM »
Hi, I am not quite following this, If I make a copy of 1.7.4 and rename it to 1.7.1 then install 1.7.4

Now install the updated 1.7.4, and it'll upgrade the existing installation still in the original Metashape, as per usual.

where in all this do I get 1.7.1 actual ?

Do you mean install 1.7.1 and it will seek out the folder renamed 1.7.1 ?


Before I mess about uninstalling 1.7.4 and figuring out how to install 1.7.1 , has the inability of 1.7.4 to create textures correctly (no blurred areas)  been fixed yet as it was reported a month or so ago, and with hard evidence sent to tech support, but not heard back from them at all.  :(  Not the usual 2 day service mentioned there.  several weeks so far. Others also said it was a bug, and suggested 1.7.1

I also still find that Photoscan is usually better at aligning all images, as well as making the texture without blurred areas. If it wasnt that it was SLOW, 5 x as slow, and had no mesh from Depth map, and lousy 3D model manipulation tools , I would prefer it, as it is I am between a rock and a hard place., Unable to actually do a simple job with whats offered by Agisoft.


General / Can metashape 1.7.1 be installed without removing 1.7.4 ?
« on: November 01, 2021, 02:50:22 AM »
I need to try 1.7.1 to solve the blurred mesh bug in 1.7.4,but as 1.7.4 managed to allign all photos in a project with glazing reflections, I was impressed, even if it failed on the next chunk of cab interior rejecting the very same photos it aligned in the first chunk !

I also absolutely dont want to lose Photoscan 1.2.6 as its the texture maker instead of 1.7.4

As such do I have to uninstall 1.7.4 ?

also where will 1.7.1 get its Licence number from ? I dont have it in my version folders, perhaps it picks up on the one for photoscan.

I have asked support this but no reply received.


General / Can decimate be done just on non detailed areas ?
« on: November 01, 2021, 02:44:41 AM »
decimate mesh spoils detail on areas that need the fine mesh, but its wrong to end up with so many faces causing my CAD prog to takes ages to do anything with the mesh , when there are planar or non detail areas not requiring thousand of minute polygons.

Is there a way to reduce the faces intelligently ?

Am I right in thinking such reduction is best done in the prog that holds the source photos ?

Could my CAD prog if it has more intelligent mesh revision be used if it has the texture .jpg applied in materials >allocate by object, browse to jpg, (need to do per viewport) carried out ?


As photoscan makes a perfect job on the same images, both in aligning and in texture making,  it is metashape at fault.
No need to try and alter anything as with no meddling Photoscan does the job. So there is nothing to fix.

Agisoft need to look back at Photoscan 1.2 6, see why it works and bring that part of the engine into metashape !

I have sent them my projects in meta and photoscan so they can solve this issue , but not heard back after 3 weeks.

I am also finding that metashape wont align all images, sometimes even images that were aligned in a different chunk same project, very nice images.

Photoscan aligns all images, but is HORRENDOUSLY SLOW AT DOING A PROJECT. I have never had total workflow success yet from meta. In photoscan it was just slow, in meta things failed. I am not convinced on meta being better yet, I keep having to use Photoscan to solve meta problems, but love meta's mesh from depth map and speed.

and I have just read in a different part of the forum , bug reports

Its a bug in 1.7.4

so the sooner they solve this the better.


General / Re: Trouble with Textures
« on: October 27, 2021, 04:46:37 PM »
It is always good practise to check if all cameras are correctly aligned.
if Photoscan manages perfectly well with the exact same image set then it can only be Metashape and a bug, as others report.
So rather than spend time assuming its you, try 1.7.1 or Photoscan 1.2.6

works for me that way.

Ask support for 1.2.6 , not sure though if it runs on win10. If so I am about to be put out of action as I am rebuilding from win7 to win 10. then my 1.2.6 wont run, or is there a way of getting win7 64bit pro progs to work on win 10 64bit pro ?


I am told get client to use Agisoft viewer to view model.
I see he has to install it on his PC. (he might be uuncomfortable with that, is there no online viewer ? Many companies, certainly Govt bodies wouldnt allow that , I talk from experience !

 I install Agisoft Viewer as if I am client.

I go file open and see file types supported :-
.vpz and .3dv and it says Viewer projects, so ??? why is it only able to open a project and how do I turn my model into a project for it...baffled already. :-\

Now what the heck are those ? How is he going to cope as....

I cant find them in metashape file export model, or file save as.

Why is this so difficult when all I want is allow client to view model ?

It apparently allows the user to take measurements, which is what I need, though Metashape has no means of applying a scale or dimension to the model (standard).

This is NOT user friendly is it ?

Just how do we make a file to send to client featuring textures and orientation as I have it, for him to open in Agisoft Viewer ?


General / Re: How to align the surface model into horizontal plan?
« on: October 27, 2021, 12:10:17 AM »
If I understand what you want correctly, you want the fllor to be aligned level and squared up to the world and grid. and to be at the grid and not below or above it. then do this :-
You need to use ortho views as follows.
A. hit numpad 5 that toggles perspective or ortho, it says so in top left corner. get it to ortho.
B. hit numpad 7 thats top view, get tool 'rotate model'  and rotate it squared up to grid.
C. hit numpad 1 and rotate it to be ok there (there is no grid, we need one, meaanwhile have to use edge of screen, bit prehistoric, agisoft please give us a grid in 1 and 3.
D. hit 3 and sort it out there.

right mouse button will pan, drag across screen.
middle scroll wheel for zoom, I also found shift and left mouse button did so.

now to do the region box. make it to fit around but just outside your model.

same steps A to D  this time using tools for move region, rotate region, resize region.
the translucent red of the box is the base of the box so that should be just under your floor.

E. Then using 1 or 5, you see a thin black line, thats the grid seen sideways on, move the floor using move model tool, the box moves as well., until it is on that line.

The sphere unfortunately does not have its coloured rotate lines remapped to ortho to allow us to rotate perfectly in ortho, constrained to a planar rotation.
we need a reset sphere to ortho view. Agisoft please fix this.

as such some rechecking and further rechecking in ortho views is required.

Hope that helps


General / Re: Trouble with Textures
« on: October 26, 2021, 11:53:09 PM »

its a bug !

having spent 2 weeks trying to resolve blurred textures, now seeing a number of posts with same issues, Agisoft havent said anything much.
I am having to use Photoscan to get textures made. I have sent projects to Agisoft almost 3 weeks ago, .

I am also finding that metashape wont align all images, sometimes even images that were aligned in a different chunk same project, very nice images.

Photoscan aligns all images, but is HORRENDOUSLY SLOW AT DOING A PROJECT. I have never had total workflow success yet from meta. In photoscan it was just slow, in meta things failed. I am not convinced on meta being better yet, keep having to use Photoscan, but love meta's mesh from depth map and speed.

and I have just read in a different part of the forum , bug reports

Its a bug in 1.7.4

3 weeks wasted.

I wish we all were told,  rather than have us think we the user are not doing something right.

1.7.1 apparently is best until they fix it.,

How does one get hold of 1.7.1 ?

Maybe better to try first for you rather than Photoscan 1.2.6


General / Re: Fixing/avoiding poor image quality?
« on: October 26, 2021, 11:51:15 PM »

its a bug !

having spent 2 weeks trying to resolve blurred textures, now seeing a number of posts with same issues, Agisoft havent said anything much.
I am having to use Photoscan to get textures made. I have sent projects to Agisoft almost 3 weeks ago, .

I am also finding that metashape wont align all images, sometimes even images that were aligned in a different chunk same project, very nice images.

Photoscan aligns all images, bit is HORRENDOUSLY SLOW AT DOING A PROJECT. I have never had total workflow success yet from meta. In photoscan it was just slow, in meta things failed. I am not convinced on meta being better yet, keep having to use Photoscan, but love meta's mesh from depth map and speed.

and I have just read in a different part of the forum , bug reports

Its a bug in 1.7.4

3 weeks wasted.

I wish we all were told,  rather than have us think we the user are not doing something right.

1.7.1 apparently is best until they fix it.,

How does one get hold of 1.7.1 ?


General / Re: Trouble with Textures
« on: October 26, 2021, 01:45:28 AM »
Run it through Photoscan, all is ok there !

File >save as and try 1.2 and open in photoscan 1.2.6

I am getting the same and my images are perfectly ok.

metashape has a problem , as Photoscan works a treat on this.


metashape despite all options tried manages to introduce blurred areas in texture.

THE IMAGES ARE FINE, PHOTOSCAN MAKES A NON BLURRED TEXTURE WITH THEM. I need photoscan to texture the metashape better model mesh. (though Pscan has a better non holy mesh in some areas) though surface is certainly more lumpy, BUT the texture is perfect.

I export the Metashape 1.7.4 model which is a better smoother mesh and better looking in model shaded mode, (made using mesh from depth maps) using file save as 1.2 as a .psz

I open the Pscan model and go file>append and bring in the 1.2

I use Photoscan to texture the 1.2, now meta mesh has a perfect texture.

File save as 'meta model 1.2 texture by pscan.psz  '

Open meta 1.7.4 and file > open this file AND IT OPENS WITHOUT THE TEXTURE .  :'( >:(   where did the texture go ?

all that because metashape despite being now 1.7.4 has a fault and cannot make a decent texture.

Why didnt metashape bring in the texture with the .psz ?

Please Agisoft fix the blurred texture problem, waited 2 weeks on this been fiddling with it all ways and still failed.
Between a rock and a hard place ! by now 1.7.4 shouldnt have such basic problems. It also wont align all the images yet same images Photoscan aligns the entire lot !

why is it that Photoscan is far better in texturing and aligning ? but unusable as its HORRENDOUSLY SLOW. 5.5 hrs v 1 hr on this yesterday.  has no mesh from Depth map method which is far better and the reason along with speed to try and stay with meta 1.7.4

Very fed up. 2 weeks which I cannot afford to spend solving this and another project with texture blur metashape issues and got nowhere.

How can I get that Pscan texture onto this Meta model 1.2 ?

update... I tried a .psx save with Photoscan and in Metashape 1.7.4 file >open and browse to that, AND I HAVE TEXTURES.

My metashape model has a decent texture courtesy of Photoscan 1.2.6 HOORAY 


its a bug !

I have just read in a different part of the forum , bug reports

Its a bug in 1.7.4

3 weeks wasted.

I wish we all were told,  rather than have us think we the user are not doing something right.

1.7.1 apparently is best until they fix it.,

How does one get hold of 1.7.1 ?


metashape 1.7.4
experimenting with different 'make texture' settings to see if I can overcome the blurred areas on the default settings offered.
having made one on the defaults offered, I dont see it as an item showing in the chunks set at left, so how can I get hold of the result and have Metashape use it or another one and compare them ?

How could I bring into Metashape just the texture from Photoscan as Photoscan doesnt have the blurred texture problem. (my gut feeling is it wouldnt work as the model wouldnt be exactly the same, so taking the model into photoscan then making texture is the better workflow)

Any recommendations on what are best texture making settings ?
Photoscan 1.2.6 has:-
Mapping Mode: Generic, Orthophoto, Adaptive orthophoto, Single camera, Keep UV
Blending Mode: Mosaic (default), Average, Max Intensity, Min Intensity, Disabled
Texture Size/count 4096 x 1 are default figures both editable.
Advanced: tickbox Enable Color Correction and tickbox Enable Hole Filling

Metashape 1.7.4 has:-
Texture Type: Diffuse Map, Occlusion Map
Source Data: Images, 3D Model (4,7...High quality)
Mapping mode: Generic, Orthophoto, Adaptive orthophoto, Single camera, keep UV
Blending mode: Mosaic (default), Average, max intensity, Min intensity, Disabled
Texture size/count: 4096 x 1 are default figures both editable
Advanced: tickbox Enable hole filling, and tickbox Enable ghosting filter

Now it is clear that extra options exist, also any schoolroom lesson on combinations will have you realise there are many permutations on these to make for a full set tried out, (unless some grey out when others are chosen).

Has anyone any suggestions on what to pick in metashape to get a texture from multiple images single chunk project (object not moved) that hasnt any blurred areas (images have no blurred areas).

With no means of saving the texture trying out all these permutations in metashape will be a struggle.

refering to the options in the order stated above, where bold in that list are those chosen,
In metashape I have used settings that first appear, assuming they are best, Diffuse Map, Images, generic, Mosaic,4096 x 1, Hole fill untick, enable ghost filter ticked. and ended up with blurred areas.

In photoscan Generic, Average, 4096 x 1, Colour Correction untick, hole filling ticked.
and no blurs resulted.

Any chosen raise alarm bells with anyone ?

If I can solve this, as not heard from Tech support yet after 2 weeks and I need to get the job done,  it just leaves the failure to align images (where photoscan doesnt fail) to be solved, then the superior mesh making of Metashape can be used, and Photoscan finally put to rest.



Hi Kiesel,
many thanks, that might be EXTREMELY useful until Metashape can make non blurry textures.
the ability to do Mesh from depth maps produces a much more refined mesh than Photoscans dense point cloud only option, so getting that into photoscan could be what is needed.
I will also try all the various options in texture making in-case mosaic (default) is the problem.
If it wasnt for the textures and failure to align all images when Photoscan manages to do both, metashape would be ok.
Await feedback from the tech team, but nothing after 2 weeks so far.

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