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Messages - Steve003

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General / Re: good photos, good dense cloud, BAD TEXTURE
« on: October 25, 2021, 02:12:04 AM »
is this metashape or Photoscan and what version ?
where is the optimize photos stage ?
metashape I use on 'High', generic preselection ticked, estimated, key point 40000 tie point 10000, exclude stationary tie points. guided image matching off adaptive camera off.

then mesh from depth maps. qlty high face count high, interp enabled, calculate vertex colours and reuse depth maps ticked.

and I am getting blurred areas on textures when make texture is run., whilst the iamges prior to that look fine and far better. There are no blurs in the original images.

This is a major problem, yet Photoscan did same project and no blurs.
Using Photoscan instead though sees what took 1 hour taking 5hrs so far.
Has metashape got a weakness here ?

and I have just read in a different part of the forum , bug reports

Its a bug in 1.7.4

Apparently 1.7.1 is without the bug.


General / Re: Blurry Portion on Finished Model
« on: October 25, 2021, 01:48:30 AM »
Hi Peterjoe13

did you ever solve that as I am getting lots of blurry areas with metashape in texture make, yet Photoscan did same project perfectly. though it took a lot longer.
My images dont have blurred areas, so not that which is the cause.

Photoscan create dense point cloud farm tractor.
Align photos took ages, but that was nothing compared to next stage...make dense point cloud.
25% done overall process, 41% done on reconstructing depth  1hr 07 passed,  1hr 26 still to go.
this time is not accurate as earlier on it added up to 2hr 20 mins now its 2hrs 33mins so the goal posts keep moving.

Whats the betting its 3hrs. then the mesh to make another hour. could be 5hrs to do what metashape did in 45mins.

But as it makes blurred textures and Photoscan correct ones, I have to revert to an old program and this HORRENDOUS SLOW SPEED, unable to use PC as PC slow during it and I wish it to use all resources.

I do wish metashape got fixed. I updated to latest 1.7.4 thinking all would be good.

Can I export Metashape backwards to get Photoscan to do just the textures ?


I second that.
also add it to the manual if its not already there.
You might need to put that into feature request as it may not get seen here.


Hi Alexey,
I am trying to find a viewer that opens metashape model with its texture, or with its 'model shaded' view image as at the moment that looks nice and texture is blurred (subject of a case 162694 sent to you, with Photoscan winning) and client to be able to take measurements from model. It must have a true ortho view mode.

Autodesk FBX review utility has no true ortho view or measuring mode.
Aspose was a complete disaster texture jpg incorrectly mapped.
Creators3D was grey and no coloured image.

I am now told Agisoft Viewer can open an Agisoft model, I ask what file type is needed and how do I give a scale to the model.

(see thread



« on: October 22, 2021, 01:23:22 AM »
That sound promising. :)
What file type does this need to be fed ?

I need to get a scale to the item, metashape Standard has no means of scaling it, of indicating even a single measurement.

I am told try Meshlab to apply a scale, then what do I do, export as obj or fbx or ?

Does it need an obj ?

Rhino wont open the metashape obj it ignores texture.

Does it need an fbx ? that embeds texture, though Metashapes texture is blurred, Photoscans texture is ok. I could export fbx from photoscan until metashape issue is solved by Agisoft.


General / How to make metashape fbx export as an earlier fbx version ?
« on: October 20, 2021, 11:12:10 PM »
Need to get model export as fbx into Rhino V5 it says error, something wrong, maybe fbx latest version and not compatible.

How do I export as an earlier version ?

I tried photoscan but it does open and is pure white no textures.

there was a fbx converter from Autodesk but  I cannot get hold of it it has a red nasty flagged up in

Also been told fbx reviewer will do so but after install it has absolutely no file save function.


« on: October 20, 2021, 10:58:50 PM »
Its ok creating a mesh with texture but what online viewer is there for someone to view the result you send them ?
How should it be sent ?

so far I have spent 3 days trying first obj which has a separate mtl and jpg file, and such need to exist together on a pc in a folder for the jpg to work, so online upload a file is no use, unless someone knows better.

fbx embeds the jpg but I cannot find a site that will open and play it, those found I saw a black silhouette and loads of sliders that was too complex, a client isnt going to fiddle about. Autodesk viewer was far too dark , at least it showed the image, it had no ortho view as such. 

Aspose is fbx yet it made a complete disaster of metashapes fbx export, the texture was not allocated to the parts but just dumped over it.

I am beginning to think metashape fbx export is faulty as nothing is working right yet. either far too dark, or no image or mapped wrong.

I tried fbx from photoscan and opened into rhino and it was just white object.

I also need measuring capability from it. So I need to add scale, so use meshlab to get a dimension into it.

Unless a client can see the result whats the point of creating a 3D model for them ?

I seem to have discovered the hole in the entire system , no one apart from me can view the results !


General / Re: Give a scale to a model in metashape ?
« on: October 20, 2021, 04:59:43 PM »
So one has to enter a scale by measuring a known distance and enter the scale, thats ok.

I see a blender tutorial where the only option is length of an edge.
For Meshlab the tutorials are all by one guy who I cant understand his language. Mister.P

I will struggle to learn meshlab if he is the only tutor out there. normally a prog has various so I am surprised meshlab is all him, well almost all,  and you find someone you understand at a sensible pace without a load of waffle. and stay with it.

I have a dimension on my part between two vertical thin sheets, I need to click the places I measured between , I didnt measure an edge.
On another I measured across a wheel hub, so no edge, an on another from outside edge left mudguard to outside edge right mudguard, no edges that suited and I wasnt aware of edge only measuring when on site !

Can I just click two places and enter a dimension to suit these that I have ?

I have downloaded meshlab 2021.07 from as they test for adware and viruses etc.

I will only dl from them and not sourceforge which is bug ridden, so the warnings say. and other sites I will avoid.


searched the internet for this, then the manual, nothing on where the texture that is generated is stored.

Just what is the address to this, both for metashape and Photoscan ?   I want to compare it to the one made in metashape, as its looking good without blurs, whilst metashape same object is full of blurs and a mess.

Photoscan wins again.


Hi, an entire day spent trying to get metashape model into a viewer so someone can view it, and get dimensions from it.

obj, fbx dae all fail. fbx metashape makes seems to be a newer version than the prog opening it, as it has errors. there is no option to export as an older version .

converting to an older version is not easy, dodgy sites I avoid, autodesk used to do it.

We should bne able to just export as fbx, choose a version suited to the client, and email it them.

Not a day trying to get a reader to show it.

Just what file type are there that contain a texture or better still the 'shaded model' images seeing that textures are blurred, again await agisoft to say why blurred.

I am told obj no good as an online viewer does not have ability to place the obj mtl and jpg into a source folder. Autodesk asks for all files then shows grey.

This has to be easier than this.

I then see this thread,

 is this problem still to be solved ?


General / Give a scale to a model in metashape ?
« on: October 19, 2021, 11:37:17 PM »
I export my texture model as an obj, I get three files obj mtl and jpg, I browse to the obj and open into Rhino3D, it doesnt apply the texture.
I open the obj into online Autodesk viewer, it doesnt see the jpg.
I export this time as fbx tick texture twice , export texture and embed texture options, easy to forget the second assuming the first is the texture dealt with !   

I open this in Autodesk and I see texture, though image is dark. There has to be better than this surely ?

It has a measuring tool, it says no dimension, it hasnt a scale.  I see no way of selecting two parts in model in metashape and entering a distance.

How can I give scale to this so the measure tool works in Autodesk ?

Does anyone know of a 3D viewer that has proper ortho views, can measure and opens a fbx bright and clear.

After all my hard work I cant get anyone to view the end result from metashape and in ortho as well as perspective and measure on it as I need them to.

I decide to open the fbx into Rhino where I can scale it 1:1, it errors on the metashape fbx !

why does nothing work, all avenues barred.
Unable to scale it anywhere for that dark dingy Autodesk 'non ortho' ortho viewer.
What avenue could I try that wins ?

Hi, I do align my model as best I can, trouble is there is no grid to do this to, except in numpad 7 top when 5 ortho is first clicked, we need at least a rgid in 1 and 3 orthos as well.

I end up moving it to screen edge, bit primary but its the only way.

I export as an obj and the online viewer ( )  for measuring says undimensioned, there is no way of indicating a size to the model, surely a click between two places in ortho and enter a dimension would be good, pro is a vast price difference (cannot afford it) just to be able to indicate a size and orientation.

The navigation rotation ball gizmo needs a reset button so that its red green blue lines are aligned when the model is in ortho view. I try to rotate the model in ortho and you think all is going well then it tumbles, if one can select the edge line of that little sphere it would rotate and keep its planar aspect the same, as such I then have to revisit the other two orthos and fix the alignment all over again., as there is no undo for any tumbling or rotation.

Its too primitive.

and we need a grid in all orthos to align to.

One good thing, selecting move model sees the region box move with it, so moving it up until its base (grass in my case) sits on the thin black line (grid edge)  seen in numpad 1 and 3 sees no need for redoing the region.


Many thanks.

Not the most obvious of words,   ::) maybe import chunks would be better !


having run command make texture, although a texture with blurred areas is the result, when importing this obj into photshop it comes in as shades of grey and not the textured version.

I then try and again its a very pale grey with  brown areas. no texture at all, and when browsing I browse to the folder that has the obj an mtl and a jpg file in it formed from the export model command.

I show the decimated version as this viewer would not accept >35Mb, (the obj was 101Mb) I chose decimate model and got offered 2,617,884  when it said source face count 983,413 which in my maths is not 1/10th of source so I typed in 98,341 and now its very poor definition but now 9Mb. That aside there is no texture image.

What did I do wrong there by the way as the result is very crude now. and 9Mb versus 101Mb, all thanks to this prog demanding less than 35Mb.

I import the non decimated models obj into Rhino3D and it has the items colours BUT its showing the model shaded mode and not the textured, (but blurred bits) version, so again it hasnt latched onto the texture jpg.

I then try Autodesk viewer and again it opens in greys despite the promising fact that it showed all 3 files !
I decided to export the  'shaded model' type coloured model as seen in metashape, from Rhino ticking add textures though it hadnt brought in metashape textures)  and it (Autodesk) even asks if there are more files to accompany the .obj

Even that has opened as greys, so the failure of Metashape to export .obj with a texture is then causing further problems throughout the process thereafter.

Surely that jpg needs to be embedded and fused into the obj, sitting outside of it in a folder seems to be the failure in all these !

do all progs generate .obj and make the jpg texture image sit outside of the .obj ? seems a recipe for disaster.

Where are these texture images going when opening the metashape created obj  into viewers and other CAD progs ?

and what did I do wrong when decimating the faces count using my own maths ?


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