Python and Java API / Help in localframe explain
« on: November 22, 2019, 06:48:04 AM »
Hi everyone,
Could anyone give some hints about the chunk.crs.localframe() matrix?
As in this post why the error needs to use local.mulv to transform rather than directly use (estim - source)? Is this due to unit difference?
Thanks in advance!
Could anyone give some hints about the chunk.crs.localframe() matrix?
Hello claranine,Code: [Select]sourceGeogr = camera.reference.location #source values in geographic coordinate system
estGeogr = chunk.crs.project(chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(camera.center)) #estimated position in geographic coordinate system
sourceGeoc = chunk.crs.unproject(camera.reference.location) #measured values in geocentric coordinates
estimGeoc = chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(camera.center) #estimated coordinates in geocentric coordinates
local = chunk.crs.localframe(chunk.transform.matrix.mulp(camera.center)) #local LSE coordinates
error = local.mulv(estim - source)
As in this post why the error needs to use local.mulv to transform rather than directly use (estim - source)? Is this due to unit difference?
Thanks in advance!