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Messages - Phogi

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General / shift point clouds and all outputs
« on: December 02, 2019, 07:16:51 AM »
Dear support,

Is there any method to apply extra shift to the dense point cloud, and the following outputs continuing to work based on this shifted point cloud?

I found some thread mentioned to try project ortho photos to reloaded dense point cloud from external resource, is this possible to do so now?


General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.6.0 pre-release
« on: November 27, 2019, 09:51:18 AM »
Hi Alexey,

I'm not sure if this is a bug, when I export depth map using GUI, if I specify the image route individually, it will return error. If I don't specify route but remain it as {filename}, and select folder in the end, it would work.

See attached screen snippings.


Thank you Alexey! So would the out of focus blurry possibly be detected by some function in Agisoft? The current quality estimation function works 99% cases, but just some out of focus images are still estimated as high quality but features are very blurry to see.

Python and Java API / Help in localframe explain
« on: November 22, 2019, 06:48:04 AM »
Hi everyone,

Could anyone give some hints about the matrix?
Hello claranine,

Code: [Select]
sourceGeogr = camera.reference.location #source values in geographic coordinate system
estGeogr = #estimated position in geographic coordinate system

sourceGeoc = #measured values in geocentric coordinates
estimGeoc = chunk.transform.matrix.mulp( #estimated coordinates in geocentric coordinates
local = #local LSE coordinates
error = local.mulv(estim - source)

As in this post why the error needs to use local.mulv to transform rather than directly use (estim - source)? Is this due to unit difference?

Thanks in advance!

Bug Reports / Image quality estimation not right for special blurry case
« on: November 19, 2019, 04:20:18 AM »
Hi Alexey,

I had one example of image with "blurry" due to out of focus, but the image quality estimator still gives me 0.76 image quality which says it is good. Is there any function to detect this kind of blurry?

Thanks a lot!

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.6.0 pre-release
« on: November 14, 2019, 07:19:59 AM »
The new release looks so good, with several new settings in alignment and empower the processing.

I got two questions about the new release:
(1) I find that camera calibration part set cx,cy as one tick together, and then omitted the p3 p4 parameters, is there any relationship to the new fit additional adjust function? If that is adding p3p4 in, would this add extra error?

(2) if the estimated alignment function should be used after using "source" method and then do not "reset alignment"?

Thanks for answering this!

General / Re: Export Tiled Model slpk format Local coordinate
« on: August 15, 2019, 03:10:37 AM »
Hi Alexey,

Is the SLPK file projection fixed? I tried an export it showed me EGM2008 in v1.5.2 build 7838.


General / Re: Is it possible to remove mask after imported it?
« on: July 23, 2019, 09:48:30 AM »
Thank you! Is it able to reset from API?

General / Is it possible to remove mask after imported it?
« on: July 19, 2019, 05:22:37 AM »
Hi friends,

Is there a button to remove imported mask? I haven't found it... Could anyone help? Or it can only be replaced by new mask file?


Python and Java API / Python script modify camera Yaw Pitch angles
« on: November 26, 2018, 10:19:16 AM »
Dear Support,

I had some searches in the forum but haven't found similar answers, so I post this new topic here.

What I want to achieve is, when I loaded the photos with orientation angles, is it possible to use python script to modify the angles rather than load a modified geotag file separately from GUI? For example an image Y/P/R is 17.2 / 0.5/0, and I want to change it from python to 180/89.5/0, is it possible to do from python api?

Thanks a lot!

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« on: November 19, 2018, 09:52:45 AM »
Hi Alexey,

Thanks for the great work, I just tried the auto-classification function, and I have two questions to report:

(1) After the autoclassification, I can't reset the classification. However if I continue used "Classify Ground Points" the point clouds will be classified based on the "ground point" classes.

(2)  Some ground in "Classify points" were clasified into building, since it is based on machine learning, would it be possible to adjust any parameters or it is all default set? Also the time is much longer than previous tool, I got 52.7595 min vs 6.750816667 mins.

Kind regards

Dear Alexey,

May I know what's the unit of marker.position? I searched some threads and know it's in camera plane, is it what is used for (X, Y, Z) - point coordinates in the local camera coordinate system? For a pixel in the camera, could you give an example on how it gets the position values? Also the u/v in camera calibration value would it be expected as millions or few handreds if it's pixels?

My another question is about the classification function, the angle/distance settings are clear, but could you offer some articles on how they are working? Cause sometimes I filter a conveyor and it removes the other points for different densities. Also if the automatic classification can add other classes other than ground?

Thanks a lot!

Hi Alexey,

Ah sorry I found the geoid file I downloaded are having a problem, redownloaded and it works. Also I found it works under NAD83 (2011) but not on NAD83. Just a possible bug report but generally it works now.


Hi Alexey,

I'm downloading the new 1.4.4 version and saw the same problem, I put the geid file under /ProtoScan Pro/geoids folder. Is it changed to some new route?


Python and Java API / Re: select cameras by time
« on: August 21, 2018, 06:07:34 AM »
Hi Alexey,

Thank you! That script helps hugely! I now can split by time, however I'm still not proficient to split and move them into different chunk, or automatically split dictionary into chunks. However I can manually right click and move to new chunk. Just noticed one thing is when I move to new chunk the other photos just moved in chunk2, if I don't click in the reference panel to cancel selected images (when I'm in chunk 1), the images in chunk 2 will be moved together with the ones selected in chunk 1 to the new chunk.

My crappy codes are:

Code: [Select]
import PhotoScan, time

STEP = 60 #seconds

chunk =

cameras = dict()
for camera in chunk.cameras:
    cameras[time.mktime(time.strptime(['Exif/DateTime'], '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'))] = camera
#    print('camera',camera)
#    print(cameras[time.mktime(time.strptime(['Exif/DateTime'], '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'))])
#print('Camera', cameras)

chunkcamera = chunk.cameras

sorted_by_time = list(cameras.keys())

chunk_1 = dict()
chunk_2 = dict()
chunk_3 = dict()
chunk_4 = dict()
chunk_5 = dict()
tmpdict = dict()
chunk_initial = 1

for i in range(0, len(cameras)-1):
    tmpkey = []
    tmpkey = sorted_by_time[i]
    if sorted_by_time[i] - sorted_by_time[i-1] < STEP and chunk_initial < 6:
        if chunk_initial == 1:
#            print(cameras[1])
#            chunk_1.update((k,cameras[k]) for k in tmpkey)
            cameras[sorted_by_time[i]].selected = True
            cameras[sorted_by_time[i]].selected = False
    elif sorted_by_time[i] - sorted_by_time[i-1] > STEP and chunk_initial < 6:
        chunk_initial += 1
        print('More than 5 chunks, needs increase chunks')

Thanks a lot!

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