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Messages - codifi

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.3.0 pre-release
« on: February 17, 2017, 10:12:55 PM »
Hi - the application is in the Applications folder on the Mac, where it belongs. I copied it from the DMG, ejected the DMG, and restarted the machine.

How do I do the console activation command? In Photoscan?

Hello Michael,

You need to do it from the Terminal (you can find it from Launchpad), then go to the directory where PhotoScanPro application bundle is located, then use the following command:
Code: [Select] --activate 11111-22222-33333-44444-55555Or you can just input the full path to the application bundle in the beginning of the command.

WORKED! Here's the full path /Applications/Photoscan/ thanks!

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.3.0 pre-release
« on: February 17, 2017, 07:12:30 AM »
Hi - the application is in the Applications folder on the Mac, where it belongs. I copied it from the DMG, ejected the DMG, and restarted the machine.

How do I do the console activation command? In Photoscan?



General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.3.0 pre-release
« on: February 08, 2017, 03:37:16 AM »
Hi -

on Mac, I get this error for writing the license file.

Can't write license file. Please make sure that you have write access to /private/var/folders/f0/cm47pk9s31sclhww2txk9_fc0000gq/T/AppTranslocation/C61F044A-A2C2-432E-9E5D-4F611F066A4B/d/ folder.

I restarted and rebuilt permissions, but no joy.


Michael Ashley

Pages: [1]