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Messages - yowich

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Do you mean the alignment process when you say "reconstruction"?
If so then try to disable generic pre-selection before alignment. As I posted in an other thread it looks like the speed optimizationsto the generic pre-selection option introduced in one of the Metashape pre-releases is not behaving correctly with some datasets.


Thanks for the comment, Mak.
Yes, I meant alignment by reconstruction.
Normally, I don't use the generic pre-selection as an option.

Hello yowich,

Can you please specify the version of Metashape used (including the build number)? If possible, please also send these two projects with the alignment results only (in PSZ format) to

I just sent an email with psz files you asked.

I don't exactly remember what version and build I used for Metashape alignment because I had to uninstall Metashape in order to rollback to Photoscan. But, considering the date I aligned it and the Metashape installer that was saved in my download folder it might be version 1.5.1 Build 7618 (64-bit).


Recently, after switching from Photoscan to Metashape, I have had multiple scans that failed to reconsturct.
So I tested Metashap and Photoscan with one of my datasets.

As you can see from screenshots attached below, Metashape miserably failed to reconstruct while Photoscan did it nicely for the same set of pictures.
I used the same reconstruction options for Photoscan and Metashape.
Why does Metashape fail while Photoscan does it well?
How can I address this issue?

Attached are screenshots for the results of reconstruction. P and M are Photoscan and Metashape, respectively.

Feature Requests / Job scheduling
« on: October 25, 2018, 05:58:04 AM »
My coworkers who are working near the server room are complaining of the noise that my virtual machine generates when it runs Photoscan. My VM is located in the server room. The Photoscan already has a PAUSE/RESUME function. But it is not always possible to pause and resume it because I need to work on others. If you will have job scheduling for Photoscan so that I can pause or resume it at a scheduled time, it would greatly improve the situation and the efficiency. Thanks.

Yes, I know that I can duplicate a chunk and then use the bounding box to clip. But splitting it using my hand does not provide a seamless boundary but rather may give a duplicate area. What I want to do is to create pieces of a model with a seamless boundary.

I wonder if there is a way that I can split a mesh into multiple pieces and export them into multiple 3d model files. I have a mesh with more than 58 million of which OBJ sizes about 8 GB and PLY sizes about 3 GB. I have tried to import the model into Blender, MeshLab, or 3d Coat, but they failed to import it due to an insufficient memory. If I can split the model and export the pieces into the multiple 3d model files, then I can perform a retopology separately and merge them again.


I have connected to the virtual machine using Chrome Remote and found that it is working fine. Initially, I had no idea but later learned the Autodesk's Recap Pro issue related to Remote Desktop. Then I started to think that it might have something to do with the Remote Desktop. Thank you for the reply! It helped!

Hello yowich,

I do not see anything unusual in the log.

Do you experience the same problem in latest 1.4.3 build 6529?

If so, is it observed when you only select the points or when you delete them?

It starts being stuck after I select the points, Removing points is really hard because it takes too long time to open a menu item by clicking on it. Pressing DELETE key on my keyboard works almost half an hour since I pressed the key.

I think I need to tell you that I have installed Photoscan on a virtual machine and I connect to it through Windows 10 Remote Desktop. I heard that Autodesk Recap Pro doesn't work when it is connected via Remote Desktop and I have also experienced it on my virtual machine when I connected to it through Remote Desktop. Will it be an issue for this case as well?

I didn't test the latest build but my copy of Photoscan is almost the latest one. 

Hello yowich,

Can you please send the output from the Console pane that include the starting lines (shown after application start) and any error messages, if present, related to OpenGL?

Hi, Alexey,
Did you get my PM?

It is attached below. The passcode will be sent over PM. Thanks!

Sure I will.
But I can't send the console log using private message because the text is shown to be too long to be sent over it and there is no attachment allowed. Would you please let me know your email address or another way that I can send it to you?

Thank you!

I have a computer system with two Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4 CPUs @2.10 GHz, 114 GB RAM, and Tesla P4.
The system performance is good.
But as it comes to selecting and working on the points in a sparse cloud, it seems to work like my old laptop from the 20th century.
I have a sparse cloud with 600K points.
Every time I select some points and try to delete them, the system gets stuck and I have to wait for more than five to thirty minutes before I can click on something. It simply freezes. I want to delete some points by manually selecting them and by gradual selection, but it takes about 5 to 6 hours to complete it.
Is it because I have too many points in a sparse cloud?


General / Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.1 - CPU and GPU Preferences
« on: July 28, 2018, 09:59:49 PM »
I found an interesting article by William George about whether to use CPU when performing GPU accelerated processing.

He is concluding as follows:
"So what does all this mean? Assuming you are using a higher-end CPU and video card combination, it looks like turning the "Use CPU when performing GPU accelerated processing" OFF (by un-checking it) is most likely to perform the best. With a lower-end video card, probably just leave it enabled. If you have a chance, though, it would be ideal to test your own hardware setup and image sets to see which way gives you the best performance. Either way, it is a good lesson not to assume that default settings are the best."

General / Re: How can I select by color only in a region?
« on: July 28, 2018, 09:34:34 PM »
Oh! You already have it!

General / How can I select by color only in a region?
« on: July 28, 2018, 12:08:21 AM »
Sometimes I need to select by color only in a specific region. How can I do this? Thanks!

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