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Messages - Skyviewimaging

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Re: 3Dpdf export fails
« on: February 28, 2017, 01:44:04 AM »

Thanks for the information - that is a good benchmark for me.

I was specifically asked to provide a 3D PDF, but I could probably talk them into a different format if I could show them how to use it. I suspect they are trying to get something they can easily rotate around without having CAD or GIS software (it is aerial vertical imagery).

The KML comes through great, but the new aerials get confusing with Google Earth imagery behind it.
There are numerous freeware "readers" online for 3D CAD files, but I need to see what other 3D formats I can export from PhotoScan.  Maybe IGES or something? I also have Autodesk products, Solidworks, and ArcView at my disposal, so I can read just about any 3D format and convert it using one of those programs.

I am currently trying to "sell" them on using the 3D model PDF that I exported from Agisoft. Unfortunately, it looks very "stretched" in places (trees, etc.) so I anticipate they will ask about that. I am thinking of cropping the model and recreating the mesh with more accuracy, but will that make the PDF model export too large?

Any thoughts?

Thanks again for all your guidance :-)

FYI: I am attending the regional Professional Aerial Photography Association Conference in a few weeks and I have been really talking up PhotoScan (there are quite a few out there available), so people are now asking me questions like the ones I am asking you (as if I am an expert or something) so I am thankful to have the correct answers for them.

Bug Reports / Re: 3Dpdf export fails
« on: February 27, 2017, 11:32:54 PM »

I was able to easily crop the dense cloud to just the area the client needs.

This left me with 92,203.239 points

The PDF processed without failing and created a PDF 1.2Gb PDF, so I think there is actual data there.

When I try to open it, though, I get a white screen with six red "$" (dollar sign) symbols.

Is there a maximum number of points in a dense cloud that will successfully export to a 3D PDF?


Bug Reports / Re: 3Dpdf export fails
« on: February 27, 2017, 09:57:08 PM »
Thanks for the quick reply.
Yes, but I have seen it done with other programs without a hitch.
In the meantime, I have cropped the model data and added the texture. The exported model PDF did work after I did that.
I will attempt to crop the point cloud and try to export that with fewer points. I still have to learn how to do that, but I am hoping it is as easy as cropping the model was.

Bug Reports / Re: 3Dpdf export fails
« on: February 27, 2017, 08:54:22 PM »
I am VERY new to this, but am having the same (or at least similar) issues. Please let me know if I am just missing a crucial step to the process or something.

My problem (I have already created the orthomosaic, the mesh, and the dense point cloud):

When I try to export the sparse cloud to PDF, it processes for a few seconds and the PDF file is large enough, but (using the most current Adobe Creative Cloud software) I only see a small "?" in the corner of the screen and no actual data.

When I try to export the dense cloud to PDF, it processes for a while (half an hour maybe?) and gets to 100%, but stays at 100% for a few hours. When I give up and cancel the process, the PDF file is very large, but there is only a "?" on the screen - no data.

When I try to export the 3D Model to PDF, it only processes for a few seconds, then gives me the same "?" in the corner (tiling does not help).

My system:
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 2.4GHz processors
634 GB Ram
Dual Nvidia Quadro M4000 GPUs

My program:
I am using Agisoft PhotoScan Pro Version 1.2.6 build 2834 (64 bit)
the Dense Cloud has 276,860,440 points
There are 161 aligned cameras

Thank you for any input.

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