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Messages - wojtas

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Can't load local geoid model into metashape
« on: October 17, 2020, 12:30:01 AM »
Hi Paulo!

Thank you very much for your help, everything works fine :) you are very smart! ;D

Cheers   ;)

General / Re: Can't load local geoid model into metashape
« on: October 13, 2020, 11:57:48 AM »

I experience the same problem with importing local geoid.
I follow every step as described in
- but with no success.

Problem describtion:

I am trying to import Lat/Long/Alt table with undulation values that is stored in TXT file (PL-KRON86-NH) and add this file as Vertical CS into ETRS89 / Poland CS2000 Zone 7 which is stored in Metashape coordinates system. My workflow is as follow:
1. Paste TXT file (Lat/Long/Alt) into C:\Program Files\Agisoft\Metashape Pro\geoids
2. Run Metashape -> Reference -> Reference Settings -> Coordinate System -> More... -> Select Coordinate System ->  ETRS89 / Poland CS2000 Zone 7 -> Edit -> Edit CS Name -> Select Vertical CS -> Custom -> Add Name in Edit Coordinate System dialog -> Datum -> Add.. -> Select TXT file (PL-KRON86-NH)
3. In impot geoid parameters I select WGS-84 as geographic CS becouse of the values in TXT file. I also name Vertical datum as before ("PL-KRON86-NH") and select no data value as default.
4. Can't load geoid error.

So far I tried to solve this problem by:
- in step no. 3 select geographic CS as ETRS89 which correspondes to horizontal CS -> no success
- in QGIS reproject Lat/Long/Alt table to ETRS89 CS with X,Y values -> no success

I attach screenshots from Agisoft Metashape with all the parameters I enter during this process.
Geoid "PL-KRON86-NH" download link:


Thank you Paulo, everything works great now :)

BTW. Can you explain me why it is 65535, where does it come from? I guess its 256 x 256 = 65536 - 1 but I can not see connection between this number and photos resolution (which is 8, 10 or 12 bit)

I have set of images from Parrot Sequoia (Green, Red, Red Edge and NIR bands). I use Raster Calculator to make NDVI index with no problem.
However, there is some problem or I am doing something wrong while trying to make False Color Pallete for color infrared CIR orthomosaic.
It seems like every time the output orthomosaic in the Ortho View is blank.
In raster calculator I take input bands and set the output bands with no math formula (no transform), then I go to Pallete window and set False Colors setting as: Red=NIR band, Green=Red band, Blue=Green band. No matter what combination I do, the output is always blank.
Can someone give me suggestion what I am doing wrong?
Please see attached screenshots.

General / Export geotagged images
« on: January 28, 2018, 01:59:45 PM »
I have captured photos without geotagging and processed them based on GCP points. Everything worked fine.
After alignment and creating orthophoto, is it possible to export images with their external locations?
Or somehow combine photos with their external locations to be written into EXIF?

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