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Messages - obw

Pages: 1 [2] 3
+1 for this feature. Is there any news when this is due for release?

Hi again.

Sorry to bump this up again, but is there anyone who knows if there is any way to export coordinates as a seperate file on models so we can export the model itself in local coordinates?

General / Difference True Ortho vs Normal Ortho - Assign images tool
« on: August 16, 2017, 02:13:16 PM »
Hi there.

I found an old topic regarding this matter ( but it didn't give me the answers I was looking for.

Is the Ortomosaics created from Agisoft a True Ortophoto that can be used to measurement purposes?

My model has markers and is georeferenced (NTM10), but when the Ortho is created the buildings does not look good, see attached picture. The distances on the roof edges on the same building can vary up to 1 meter. The ground all looks good. The flight was flown with 75 % overlap in Dronedeploy, while the Agisoft report says a average overlap of between 4,67 - 7,3035.

I've played around with the Assign images tool and it gives me the opportunity to change the image and correct buildings so it all LOOKS Nice, but I have no idea if the measurments are good? I don't know which pictures to choose since some of them are showing the facades of bulidings. If I use this tool - Is the image no longer a "True Orthophoto"?

How do you get buildings to look better in the automated process?

Thanks for all your help, looking forward to hear from you!

Feature Requests / Re: Dense Cloud Auto classification - buffer
« on: August 16, 2017, 01:10:59 PM »

This has been a huge problem for me as well around buildings and cars etc. Would really appreciate this feature.

Agisoft Viewer / Re: Agisoft Viewer dedicated installer.
« on: August 16, 2017, 01:08:04 PM »

General / Re: Wrong NDVI scale
« on: August 16, 2017, 10:42:29 AM »
Sounds very good, thank you!

General / Re: Wrong NDVI scale
« on: August 15, 2017, 04:38:07 PM »
Hi again.

Just bringing this post back up for a follow up question.

Is there any way to have a transparent color in the palette raster calculator for a certain value, or just don't let it create a palette for the values that is not specified?

I.e I want all values below 0 to not be "colorized", but just the values above 0. This way roads, buildings etc. does not have raster calculated, but only vegetation.

Hi again.

Is it possible to export the coordinates as a seperate file (i.e .prj) from Agisoft and then export the model itself as local coordinates?


Ok, so basically this there is not way to export a large modell from Agisoft and still keep it georeferenced?

Anyone who can help me regarding this issue?

Hi Again.

I'm sorry but I still don't understand the shift function completely.

When a project is shifted, does the accuracy get lower? Is the model still georeferenced properly?

I don't have any examples of good georeferenced models in fbx - What is the best file format (or coordinatesystem?) for large projects like this with large coordinatesystems?

I've tried to play with it a little and the results do get much better, but not as good as in Agisoft. Still looks like Agisoft is smoothing out the texture on top of the model while Autodeks software puts the texture directy on top of the mesh, so if you have a "bad" mesh with it doesn't look good.


What exactly does the shift Fields do to the coordinates, and what values should be typed in? My Client require a georeferenced model, so I cannot use local coordinates. Is there a better way, maybe to export in another format, or reduce the quality to some part?

Hi again.

The second screenshot is with textures enabled, the model does not have calculated vertex colors. As the first image shows, in Agisoft it looks very good with textures. In FBX Review texture shaded mode is enabled, see screenshot. See also the screenshot from the folder.

I did some testing with a smaller scale model of the same one. The mesh is created with no vertex colors calclutated, only texture. In FBX Viewer it showed up similary with textures enabled. This is also how the client sees the model since he's using a Autodesk software.

Looks like Agisoft is viewing the model in another way? The FBX Viewer is putting the texture directly on top of the mesh, while Agisoft is kind of interpolating, or smoothing out the surface when enabling textures. Is this only viewable in Agisoft?

General / Re: Countour lines edges with no data removing
« on: July 24, 2017, 11:40:34 AM »

Thanks for your tip, SAV! tried QGIS and this really gave me the results I was hoping for. It created contour lines in one single export, unlike Agisoft which needs to export two diffrent files. Compared both results in ArcGIS Explorer and the contour lines that are generated is almost identical except that the QGIS export contains both the polylines and polygons.

I actually can't import theese shapes into Agisoft again, I get the "Unnsupported datum" Message. This means that this is a final delivery option only. not being able to work with it in agisoft.

Hi there.

How are the exported models with textures actually are working? I've exported .fbx models as DTM with no vertex or texture colors, it opens just fine and no problems.

But when I try to export a DSM model with textures it does not look good. I've exported as .fbx with texture as .tiff. It looks very good in Agisoft when I view it, even if the mesh is not top quality, but when I open in external software it does not look as good. I'm using Autodesk FBX review.

Any ideas?

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