General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« on: December 25, 2017, 11:32:24 PM »And one more when i use chunk.BuildPoints() there are no effect. No any point....buildPoints() function assumes that you have imported exterior and interior orientation parameters for the cameras and have used matchPhotos() operation as well.
I know, in version 1.3.4 all work good. But here there are no any point after buildPoints(). Its may code which work in version 1.3.4.
Code: [Select]
chunk.importCameras(locationpath, format=PhotoScan.CamerasFormatXML)
chunk.matchPhotos(accuracy=PhotoScan.HighAccuracy, generic_preselection=True, filter_mask=True, keypoint_limit=100000, tiepoint_limit=4000)