« on: December 21, 2017, 07:31:53 PM »
Hey Robert,
I am guessing you are using the MicaSense Red Edge camera since it has 5 bands. Are you trying to export the reflectance maps manually or are you using a script to export them? If you are not specifying individual bands while exporting, it would export the RGB output as default. You need to specify each bands separately if you want 5 different reflectance outputs, it would correspond to Band 1, Band 2, Band 3, Band 4 and Band 5.
It would be something like this for the Band 2 and similar for the other bands as well:
chunk.raster_transform.formula = ["(B2)"]
chunk.exportOrthomosaic("Path"mosaic_.tif", image_format = PhotoScan.ImageFormatTIFF, raster_transform = PhotoScan.RasterTransformValue, write_world=True, write_alpha=False, tiff_big=False, white_background=True)
Or alternatively you can do it manually by using the Raster Calculator and specify each band then export and repeat it for each band. Just type B1 under Output Bands then hit apply and export and do it for the other bands as well.
I have spend a lot of time trying to figure that out but it seems to be working now. Please let me know if you need more info. FYI what version of Agisoft Photoscan are you using?