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Messages - Landy

Pages: [1] 2 3
General / Re: P. oint Cloud Red Bounding Box
« on: September 10, 2023, 10:26:49 AM »
I am not sure anyone knows what you are referring to.  Can't say I've ever seen a red bounding box.  Assuming you mean region, it has always been pale grey in my projects.  If it is the region you are referring to, you can rotate it with the 'rotate region' option on the button panel - or, from the menu, Model>transform Region> Rotate Region.  Hope this helps.

General / Re: RAW file format - does it yet support it or still no?
« on: April 23, 2023, 04:44:50 AM »
I've been using raw files (DNG format) in Metashape for years now with no problem.  Whether it can read brand-specific formats like PEF or NEF I don't know, but I doubt it.

General / Re: Alignment Error
« on: April 04, 2023, 01:52:38 AM »
Without knowing specifics of the project it is difficult to provide an answer.  Do you have 'reference preselection' checked and 'source' as the option in the align photos dialog box?

Bug Reports / Re: Sketchfab upload from version 2 not working
« on: March 14, 2023, 06:32:49 AM »
Thank you Alexey!

Bug Reports / Re: Sketchfab upload from version 2 not working
« on: March 13, 2023, 03:43:06 AM »
Thanks Hamish - glad to know it is not just me.  Hopefully this problem is recognised and will be fixed in an upcoming update.

Bug Reports / Sketchfab upload from version 2 not working
« on: March 10, 2023, 07:43:23 AM »
Had anyone had any problems with uploading models to Sketchfab from version 2?  I tried this with version 2.01 for the first time today and the site responds with a processing error (error 13 - which means it can't read the uploaded file).  After several attempts, I tried to update the uploaded model by manually uploading an obj file to replace the original - but this gives the same error message.  I have tried uploading previous successful models, also with the same error message in response.  However, I just tried to manually upload an exported file directly (i.e. a fresh upload rather than replacing failed upload), and it worked fine.  Has Metashape changed the format of directly uploaded files?  It seems that is the case, and that Sketchfab does not recognise the format.
Any suggestions?

G'day all,
I have just noticed something 'new' when running Metashape Pro 1.8.6 (under windows 11 64bit).  When the program starts, there is a blank terminal/powershell window that opens with a black background - that has always been there and I think has to do with licence/activation check.  In the past this window then shrank and disappeared once the main program window opened - but now it stays active and you can alt-tab to it.  It is blank other than a list of the program path and name on the title bar.  It doesn't seem to interfere with the main program window, but is another window I have to alt-tab past which is a tad annoying.  If I close it, the main program window closes as well.  I have run a repair and also repaired and reset the terminal app, but to no avail.  Any suggestions?

Edit - found the issue - if anyone else is having this problem, there is an option in Powershell settings to "Hide Terminal in the notification area when minimised".

General / Re: Merging chunks (can't merge the dense point clouds)
« on: August 12, 2022, 05:12:35 AM »
I have never actually had to transform either - but I usually don't use dense point clouds and don't try to merge models or depth maps either.  I just merge the chunks (sparse cloud) and then rebuild the mesh (from depth maps).  Are you sure the 'merge dense clouds' option is ticked on the merge chunks dialog box?  I just ran a test and it works for me.

Why the two chunks?  Have you tried aligning all your photos as one chunk?  I find it usually works without having to split the top and bottom photos into separate chunks, depending on what the object is.  When I have to split into chunks, yes, I do trim the white areas around the object, but I have no idea whether it is strictly 'necessary'.  Probably depends on how well the merging goes.

General / Re: Search for updates not working
« on: June 30, 2022, 04:25:46 AM »
This problem seems to have resolved itself in the last day - check for updates is now reporting the correct information.

General / Search for updates not working
« on: June 24, 2022, 04:44:40 AM »
I only recently discovered by accident that there was a 1.8.3 update uploaded in April.  Running 'check for updates' in Metashape kept telling me 'no update required'.  Now I have installed the update, Metashape tells me a I have an installed version more recent than the 'latest version'.  Presumably this is a server issue?

Bug Reports / Re: Version 1.8.0 bizarre textures
« on: January 13, 2022, 01:30:25 AM »
Thank you Alexey!  Also, I think you are correct with the VRAM.  As soon as I went above ~15K texture size, Metashape did not use the graphics card for blending (running with 12 GB VRAM).

Bug Reports / Re: Version 1.8.0 bizarre textures
« on: January 09, 2022, 02:26:08 AM »
Thanks for your response Alexey,
No it doesn't happen when GPU is disabled for processing - interesting!  I would never have thought of turning it off.  If it is relevant, GPU is an Nvidia RTX 3080Ti.  I just tried to attach a DNG file to this response but it wouldn't upload  - and then I read the 512 kb limit!  I have uploaded the whole photo set to onedrive - link is below.  I have also included the project file as processed in 1.8.0 with the graphics card enabled.!AhYZan20sYhfhLYalk4eA2Ml_3ihsw?e=hD4H8l

Bug Reports / Version 1.8.0 bizarre textures
« on: January 02, 2022, 08:23:43 AM »
I have just installed the new version 1.8.0 and given it a trial run.  All went well until I textured the model.  The texture is bizarre and in no way looks like the rock specimen scanned.  In the attached screengrab you will see it is as if the image has been solarized or something similar, with fine purple and green dots - the image thumbnails below the model gives you an idea of what it should be like.  I also retextured some previous models with the same odd result.  The image sources are Pentax raw (DNG) files.  Any suggestions?

Bug Reports / Re: All previous models open with no texture in V1.74
« on: October 07, 2021, 03:42:30 AM »
Hello Bill,

It seems that for some reason the texture is not shown, when the project is saved in PSZ format. The problem will be fixed in 1.7.5 release update.
Thank you for the response Alexey.  Glad it isn't just me.  I thought it was odd, because when you inspect the psz in a zip utility, the texture is definitely there!  I didn't try saving as psx.
Thanks again.

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