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Messages - Landy

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Bug Reports / Re: All previous models open with no texture in V1.74
« on: October 01, 2021, 05:57:18 AM »
Hello all,

Please check, the pre-release version of 1.7.5 (build 13151) which should include the texture parametrization fix:

Thankyou for supplying those links Alexey,
I have just given it a try and the 'fuzzy' patches problem in the texture appears to be fixed, however I still have the problem that all of my previous files open up with no texture visible.  I have saved re-textured version of the test file I uploaded before that I retextured with 1.7.5.  Note that it still reopens (in 1.7.5) with no texture visible.  I rolled back to v1.7.3 and the file opens fine with texture visible!
The file is in the same onedrive folder I supplied a link to before and is called "sample 1 1.7.5 jpeg test.psz".

Bug Reports / Re: All previous models open with no texture in V1.74
« on: September 14, 2021, 04:17:40 AM »
Hello Bill,

Would it be possible to share two projects to - one with the texture generated in the older version and another after re-saving the project in 1.7.4 with the "lost texture"?

We haven't been able to reproduce the problem on our side in a meantime.
Hello Alexey,
Just to report back, support have confirmed this is a software issue and are working on a fix.  I'm just glad it wasn't something wrong at my end!

Bug Reports / Re: All previous models open with no texture in V1.74
« on: September 12, 2021, 12:45:52 AM »

UV mapping is broken in 1.7.4, see here:

Yes, that was my initial query.  So you are having the same issues wojtec?  Glad it's not just me!

Bug Reports / Re: All previous models open with no texture in V1.74
« on: September 11, 2021, 04:16:00 AM »
Hello Bill,

Would it be possible to share two projects to - one with the texture generated in the older version and another after re-saving the project in 1.7.4 with the "lost texture"?

We haven't been able to reproduce the problem on our side in a meantime.
Hello again Alexey,
I have been doing some experimentation and reran this project using jpegs.  The result was the same  - worse actually, because the 'fuzzy' patches of texture (UV mapping problem?) reappeared (see screen capture attached).  And the file still reopens with no texture.  I have uploaded a zipped bunch of jpegs and another psz file run from these jpegs (Prac exam Q3 sample 1 1.74 jpeg test.psz) into the same ondrive folder I provided a link to above so can see if you can reproduce the problem.

p.s. I just notice you asked me to email links to support - I have now done that also.

Bug Reports / Re: All previous models open with no texture in V1.74
« on: September 11, 2021, 02:43:48 AM »
Hello Bill,

Would it be possible to share two projects to - one with the texture generated in the older version and another after re-saving the project in 1.7.4 with the "lost texture"?

We haven't been able to reproduce the problem on our side in a meantime.
Thanks for your response Alexey.  The files are pretty large (~0.5GB each) so I have uploaded them to onedrive (link below) - wasn't sure if there is a size limit to upload directly here.  It might be worthwhile mentioning that I use DNG format for imagery almost exclusively.  Maybe that is the source of the problem, but it has never been a problem before.  This really has me puzzled!  Two files are in the onedrive folder - "sample 1 1.74 test.psz" was processed with v1.74 - it shows the texture immediately after processing, but texture is missing when the file is reopened.  The other file "sample 1 v1.73.psz" was processed in v1.73 and reopens fine in 1.73, but opens with the texture missing in 1.74.  I can supply the DNG files if necessary, but they are roughly another GB.  In the meantime, I'd just be interested to see if these files open with the texture for you.  I don't have another PC to test them on at the currently as we are in covid lockdown.
Onedrive link:!AhYZan20sYhfhLMNOEzHlz660A28FQ?e=OPSWqg


Bug Reports / All previous models open with no texture in V1.74
« on: September 10, 2021, 09:38:30 AM »
G'day all,
I reported a problem the other day associated with UV mapping causing 'fuzzy' patches in version 1.74.  I rolled back to 1.73 as I had some deadlines.  I have now reinstalled 1.74 (build 13028) and the texture problem appears to have gone, however the vast majority of my previous models (except some files several years old) open with the texture apparently missing - they open to 'solid model' view by default, and the 'textured model' option is greyed out (as is model confidence).  This happens even with a test run generating the texture in 1.74, saving the file, but the texture is gone on reopening the file.   They all open fine in v1.73.  I am wondering if has something to do with texture size - the majority of my models have a texture size of 8196.  My video card is an Nvidia RTX3070, so it should have no issue displaying the textures.
Any ideas what is going on here?  Help!

Hello Bill,

Please check that you have build 13028 installed. Do you still obverse the problem?
Thanks for your response Alexey.  Can't check the build number as I have rolled back to version 1.73.  There a 'revision number' of the MSI file is {C92CFCC7-CDD0-47EC-BC8D-C0F198A17F49} if that helps.  Haven't tried again yet, but I think I'll stick with 1.73 for a while until the problem is sorted - I have a few deadlines.

As the subject states, the first model processed with the new version has texture issues - there are several 'fuzzy' patches in the texture that look 'tessellated'.  The texture is also not saving even though i save the file, upon reopening it, the texture is entirely missing and won't display!  I downgraded to 1.73 and opened the same file - texture was viewable but still with the same flaws.  Upon rebuilding the texture it turned out fine.
Here is the version with texture issues - I have marked the offending patches with annotations:

General / Re: Phantom 4 Multispectral
« on: May 28, 2020, 05:43:29 AM »
Hello Alexey,
Do you know if support has been added for the Phantom 4 pro multispectral yet?  Our uni has just purchased one and was I keen to give some data a go in metashape.

General / Texture analysis
« on: December 03, 2019, 04:54:29 AM »
G'day all,
One of my current projects is building 3D models of recycled concrete aggregate (not very exciting I know!).  The end-purpose of this is to compare various processing methods to rid the concrete of dust and old mortar.  In the attached image, you can see the 'dirty' part of the model shows as yellowish-white and the 'clean' parts as a darker grey.  What we would like to do is to get a surface area estimate (percentages) of the clean and dirty parts.  I guess that is classified as 'image analysis' and as far as I know Metashape cannot do that (correct me if I am wrong).  Does anyone have any suggestions of a third party programs that could analyse the model's texture (or orthophotomosaic)?

General / Re: Unit precision in millimetres for area and volume
« on: November 15, 2019, 05:13:13 AM »
Addendum:  I have noticed that when the volume drops below 1 cm^3 (0.000001 m^3), the reported volume is then quoted in scientific notation (×10^-7) which then reveals the extra precision required.  Could I request that an option for the calculation is always reported in this fashion?  I managed to get meaningful numbers by the trick of giving a false (1000×) scale for the objects, but it would be handy not to have to do this.

General / Unit precision in millimetres for area and volume
« on: November 15, 2019, 03:44:13 AM »
I have a number of models constructed in Metashape that are built from small objects (centimetre scale) photographed with a light tent and turntable setup.  I have figured out how to add a scale to the model with markers and scalebar.  The problem is that when I ask Metashape to calculate surface area and volume of the mesh, it gives the result in cubic metres and square metres respectively, and only gives precision down to 6 decimal places.  The sixth decimal place in cubic metres translates down to 1 cubic centimetre, so most of the models in question all report a volume of 1 cubic centimetre - so there is essentially no precision (see attached screen capture).  What I really need in volume in cubic millimetres, but there seems to be no option to tell Metashape to use millimetres as the local coordinate system or to provide more than six decimal places for the cubic metres result.

I suspect what I am asking for here is a feature request.  In the meantime, is there any workaround for this issue?  Does anyone know of any third party program that can calculate surface areas and volumes at millimetre precision from 3D models?  One workaround I have just thought of is to set a false scale (at a factor of 10^3) and then divide the volume result by 10^9 - just about to test this.

General / Re: KML shape import
« on: May 02, 2019, 02:51:35 AM »
Thanks for your response Alexey - KMZ file sent.

General / KML shape import
« on: May 01, 2019, 07:51:38 AM »
I am having difficulty importing a kml file with a shape attached.  The shape file was originally created with sketchup and saved as a kmz file.  I have tried importing that file and also an equivalent kml file and associated .dae file, but no matter how I try I get a "KML syntax error" message from metashape when I try to import.  Note I am importing into an existing metashape file which is a drone image of a rock platform.  Both the kmz and kml file work fine in google earth, but won't import into metashape.  The structure of the kml file is below.  Any suggestions?  Cheers, Bill.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="" xmlns:kml="" xmlns:atom="">
   <description><![CDATA[Created with <a href="">SketchUp</a>]]></description>
         <name>Scene 1</name>
      <Style id="default">
      <Model id="model_1">

Bug Reports / Re: Issues uploading models to Sketchfab
« on: March 14, 2018, 01:32:00 PM »
Thanks Alexey,
Yes - the "Diffuse" option seems to be switched on by default.  The sketchfab settings are identical for the two uploads - both are set to 'shadeless' etc.  However, your comment about vertex colours just led me to the solution.  I noticed that in edit mode, the .dae format upload had the option 'vertex colour' - an option that is not available in the .obj uploaded version.  The 'vertex colour' option appears to be switched on by default, but on switching it to 'off', the model magically appeared as it is supposed to!

Apologies for logging this as a 'bug' - obviously it is a change that needed me to adapt to the newer versions!  And thanks for leading me to the solution.

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