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Messages - Landy

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Bug Reports / Re: Issues uploading models to Sketchfab
« on: March 10, 2018, 03:08:14 AM »
Thanks Alexey.  I have done some more investigating and figured you were onto something with the ‘space’ characters in the filename (regarding my problem 2 above).  It seems that the newer releases of Photoscan add the quotation marks (double inverted commas) around the jpg file name as quoted in the mtl file - but only if there are space characters in the filename.  I noted it does not add the quotation marks if I change the space characters to underscores for example.  From what you say, Photoscan does this because the space characters can confuse other applications.  However as far as Sketchfab goes, the quotation marks are more confusing and the uploaded models display no texture.  I am happy with either solution here (not using spaces or removing the quotation marks from the mtl file).  It might be worthwhile keeping this in mind if others are having the ‘no texture’ problem with manual uploads to sketchfab (I might post this on the sketchfab forum also).

Back to problem 1 regarding the very dark models resulting from direct upload from Photoscan.  Here are two links to the same model.  The first is uploaded directly from Photoscan to Sketchfab and the second is manually uploaded via obj export:
The second model above looks like it does in Photoscan.  One thing I discovered with the direct upload model under “model information” (on the Sketchfab site) is that Photoscan now uses dae format for upload rather than obj format that earlier versions used.  I tested this, and manually exported and uploaded by dae format - the result was the same very dark model as in the first link above.  Even tweaking the exposure and brightness settings in Sketchfab cannot make these dark models look like they should.

My current solution is to keep manually uploading via obj format, as it produces the desired result and looks like it does in Photoscan - no big deal really.  Is there any way of telling Photoscan to upload the model to Sketchfab using obj rather than dae format?  I couldn’t see anything in the preferences menu about it.

Bug Reports / Issues uploading models to Sketchfab
« on: March 09, 2018, 10:07:37 AM »
I have two issues with uploading models to Sketchfab in more recent versions of Photoscan.  The first I have no answer for and would welcome suggestions, the second I do have a solution for, which I would like to share with others.  This is long, but bear with me. Questions pertain to version 1.4.1

Problem 1.  There appears to be no ‘upload model’ option under the ‘file’ menu despite instructions in the manual to the contrary.  Assuming it is now under the ‘upload data’ option, I have tried that as an alternative and chosen ‘sketchfab’ under the resulting dialogue box and chosen ‘model’ as the source data to upload.  However, this results in a poor quality model on the Sketchfab site which is very dark and contrasty with a black fringe around the margins.  It looks more like the shaded mesh view in photoscan rather than the textured view.  Not sure what I am doing wrong because it worked fine in version 1.2.6.  Any suggestions?

Problem 2.  The other upload option (which I personally prefer) is to export an OBJ model and associated files and then package them to 7zip format and upload manually.  Again, this worked fine in version 1.2.6, but when I use this method in version 1.4.1, the resulting uploaded model is completely white and has no texture (a problem which seems to crop up commonly in this forum).  Having kept exported files from a previous successful upload (from version 1.2.6), I exported the same model from version 1.4.1 only to result in the same blank white model in Sketchfab as other failures.  I then compared the exported outputs from versions 1.2.6 and 1.4.1.  The obj and jpg files were identical in size so I assumed they were essentially identical (jpg images were identical).  I then compared the two mtl files output from the two versions in a text editor and noticed a distinct difference.  The name of the texture file in the last line of the mtl file was written with double inverted commas in the files exported from version 1.4.1, but without the inverted commas 1.2.6.  For example (last line of file in each case):
mtl file output from version 1.4.1:
map_Kd "Melville Point 2018 northeast face 1.jpg"
mtl file output from version 1.2.6:
map_Kd Melville Point 2018 northeast face 1.jpg

After discovering this difference, I edited the mtl file (output from version 1.4.1) and removed the double inverted commas and then uploaded the files (zipped) to Sketchfab, and hey presto, this time it had the intended texture.  Hopefully others will find this useful.


Bug Reports / Re: Issues loading DNG images
« on: February 28, 2018, 05:00:31 AM »
Thanks Alexey - DNG files all load correctly now.  The newer versions cause all sorts of CUDA and  kernel errors on my PC at uni - but it works fine on my home PC which has a much better video card.

Bug Reports / Re: Issues loading DNG images
« on: February 09, 2018, 01:45:50 AM »
Excellent work!  Any time frame on 1.4.1 release?
Just out of interest - is there any advantage to using raw files in photoscan - does it work in the higher bit modes or does it reduce images to 8 bits/channel before matching points etc?  I have noticed it seems to be able to match better with raw files than jpegs, so I am assuming it does work with the higher bits/channel?

Bug Reports / Re: Issues loading DNG images
« on: February 08, 2018, 02:43:49 PM »
Thanks Alexey
Done - had to send it as a onedrive link as the file was too big to attach to email.

Bug Reports / Re: Issues loading DNG images
« on: February 08, 2018, 03:18:04 AM »
I am having the exact same problem after upgrading from Photoscan 1.2.6 to 1.4.0.  The old version happily read DNG files from my Pentax K-70, but the new version comes up with the "can't load photos" error.  I did a test and opened one of the Pentax DNG files into the photoshop adobe raw loader and resaved as a new DNG file from there - and that loads without a problem into Photoscan 1.4.0.  So it seems there is something specific in the Pentax DNG file format that the newer version of Photoscan is objecting to.

Has there been any progress in resolving this problem?

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