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Topics - wizprod

Pages: [1]
General / Insta360 double Fisheye DNG's
« on: December 19, 2023, 05:04:17 PM »

Is there a way to import dual-fisheye DNG's from the Insta360 RS One 1 inch?

I can of course get it to stitch after converting to 2:1 ratio equirectangular images, but hoping I can better image quality without heavy image processing step in Insta360 Studio.

Hi all,

I'd like to request that the Calibrate Reflectance feature in Metashape also support the Emperical Line method using 2 or more grey patches.

I'm using the Mapir T3-R50 (, which has 4 patches.

More info on ELM here:


I am facing a problem when Blending Textures during Tiled Model Creation.
I have 2 GPU's, one with 4gb of vram, and one with 16 gb.
Both GPU's are being used in earlier stages of the Tiled Model creation.

However, when Metashape reaches the Blending Textures stage, it reverts to CPU only, as the 4 gb GPU doesn't have enough ram(○~5 gb needed).

What I don't understand is why it just doesn't continue on the 16 gb GPU only?

Right now it takes ages, even on a i9-11900K with 128 gb RAM.

Code: [Select]
Found 3 GPUs in 0 sec (CUDA: 0 sec, OpenCL: 0 sec)
Using device: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 Fury Series (Fiji), 64 compute units, free memory: 4046/4096 MB, OpenCL 2.0
  driver version: 3276.6 (GSL), platform version: OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3276.6)
  max work group size 256
  max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 1024]
  max mem alloc size 3264 MB
  wavefront width 64
Using device: AMD Radeon VII (gfx906), 60 compute units, free memory: 16304/16368 MB, OpenCL 2.0
  driver version: 3276.6 (PAL,HSAIL), platform version: OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3276.6)
  max work group size 256
  max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 1024]
  max mem alloc size 13695 MB
  wavefront width 64
loaded selector in 0 sec
selected 807 cameras in 5.378 sec
selected 152 blocks in 0.053 sec
loaded model blocks in 0.246 sec
loaded uv blocks in 0.165 sec
initializing renderer... done in 0.208 sec
Blending textures...
All cameras are fine
Activating context...
calculating mesh connectivity... done in 0.88 sec
rendering 0 to 149 pages
Initialized texture renderer
Configuring pipeline...
Initialized memory broker
Configuring mosaic pipeline with outliers filtering
Constructed pipeline
Relaxed precision enabled
Collecting memory requests...
Allocating memory requests...
Estimated required video memory: 5570 MB
Estimated device memory: total 3840 MB, used 40 MB, available 3243 MB
Cannot use GPU. Reason: VK Error : VkResult is "ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY" at line 12
Performing blending on CPU...


I have a reproducible problem, whenever I use depth-maps for anything (DEM, MESH, Ortho etc) processing.

I get the attached error, saying ciErrNum: CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY (-6) at line 207

I have 2 GPU's:
AMD Radeon R9 Nano with 4 GB VRAM
AMD Radeon VII with 16 GB of VRAM

System has 32 GB of RAM.

Any hints to what goes wrong and how to fix it ?

General / Difference between volume and area from DEM and MEsh
« on: May 30, 2019, 07:04:59 PM »

I have an issue where a stockpile will have different volumes and areas depending on its processing-origin.

From Mesh:
- Area: 5158 m2
- Volume: 7139.9 m3

From DEM:
- Area: 2307.9 m2
- Volume: 7271.9

I suspect that the area reported by the Mesh is a total surface area, also on the buttom side ?
But given that the outline is more or less the same, why is there a 132 m3 difference between the 2 methods ?

General / Calculating volume error from GSD or GCP ?
« on: October 27, 2018, 12:10:51 PM »

I want to provide a customer with error percentages for a volume-calculation from photogrammetry.

As Photoscan lack this functionality, I have to do this manually.

Going from this .

I use the area-measurement (after having made a perimeter and click Measure) and time it DEM GSD*1.5.

But several questions arises:
- Should I use the GSD of the recorded images (0.88 cm/pix in this case) instead of the DEM's 1.6 cm/px ?
- Should I be using the GCP z axis error instead?
- I have scale bars in this project too, which has less errors than my GCP, but can their errors be used for this purpose?

Currently I average the error of the GSD and GCP before making the percentage calculation.

Hi all,

Is there good/best practice for GCP Placement, when doing stockpile measurements? I obviously don't want to climb the thing, so I would guess at the base, as near as possible.
Is there a rule of thumb that we will need 1 per every X meter of circumference?
Would it be a good idea to measure out a long scale bar as a check as well ?


How can I see seperate XYZ errors without generating a report? I simple can't find it anywhere, and it's a bit annoying to generate a report as a file each time.

General / Z-error using Scale Bar
« on: May 22, 2018, 03:28:45 PM »

I want to estimate the error when doing Volume measurement using scalebars. Pix4D provides this number automatically, but I'm not so lucky in Photoscan.

I found this article from Pix4D, but given the way they split up the measurement in cells, I can't seem to translate it easily into Photoscan terms.

Also, using scalebars, I only get a combined RMS, not separately for each axis. Any way around that?

General / Workflow validation using scale bars and drone-footage
« on: May 12, 2018, 10:57:53 PM »
Hi all,

I have found a workflow that seem to produce millimeter accurate measurements, but I am but a rookie at Photoscan, so I will need some help in verifying my workflow so far. Here's a rough idea:

  • Aligne all photos from the drone, using generic and reference preselection
  • Place control & check markers (low accuracy, but high quality pinned) and scale bars (very high accuracy)
  • Disable reference for all cameras
  • Optimize Cameras
  • Measure!

No GCP GNSS are available, so the control points have coordinates derived from unprecise references from the drone, hence the low accuracy setting for these, to make sure the scale bars are weighted higher.

General / Z-axis scalebar for Volume measurement
« on: May 09, 2018, 08:36:39 PM »
Hi all,
Would it be beneficial to run some sort of z-axis scalebar for volume measurement or are the xy-axis scalebars enough ?
Thinking of a pole or similar with 2 coded targets on, or something along those lines.

General / Area calculation - Only getting perimeter measure
« on: April 24, 2018, 11:57:00 AM »
I trying to measure the area of a roof, but I can only get the perimeter measurement.
I select the polygon, right-click -> Measure.

What am I doing wrong?

See screenshots

General / Using scale bars for Pile volume measurement
« on: April 18, 2018, 05:47:45 PM »
Hi all,

Currently evaluating Photoscan as a tool in my UAV business.
I don't have access to RTK precision GCP eqiupment, but I do have a very accurate Laser range-finder. Can I use that in combination with coded targets and scalebars instead of a RTK GNSS solution?
What will the precision be compared to RTK, if I can measure the scalebars to within 1 mm pr 10 meters?

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