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Messages - Mariusz_M

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Every time I want to quickly capture view I need to remember to switch off info, region, trackball and all other stuff that is needed for editing, but not always for publishing. It would be nice if show/hide switches/tickboxes were as options in the Capture View window.

Feature Requests / Remove duplicate camers
« on: January 06, 2020, 04:59:13 PM »
When working witch chunks and merging I often end up having duplicates of the same cameras. I would like to have a button to quickly ane easily remove duplicate cameras from the project.

So I think an option to find and compare duplicates is needed. It would display a list of photos that are used more than once within one project with their preview and info about:
1. Tie points (with preview)
2. Key points from this photo (with preview)
3. Location in 3d space with preview.

There are a few situations to consider before removing a duplicate:

1. When the duplicate camera has exactly the same key points/tie points - simple remove of the duplicate
2. When the duplicete camera has different key points/tie points  - option to choose which ones to keep or to merge key points/tie points
3. When the duplicate camera has different masks - option to choose or merge
4. When the duplicate camera is not exactly in the same place - option to chose which location to keep or to move remainging camera somewhere in between the  current duplicates are (based on some weight calculated using projection/reprojection errors) . After removing duplicates it would be recommended to run camera optimisation again.
5. Probably something else, but sorting out these 4 situations would be a good beginning.

When I finish my project or when I want to move it to another computer, I end up manually checking if I have all the necessary files included and if the paths are correctly saved.

 I would love to have an option to easily save the whole thing in in one folder. It would help when:
1.  I want to easily archive the project and save it onto a different drive knowing that if I ever come back to it, it will just work.
2. I want to move the whole project to another computer.

What I meen by "the whole thing" is:

1. Metashape project file and all the required files for all chunks (as it already is).
2. All photos used in the project (by copying them from their original location to a subfolder "photos". There should also be an option to remove the photos from their original locations, so there are no duplicates left).
3. All paths to the new location of the photographs.
4. All information about photo groups.
5. In case the photos are extracted from a video, there should also be an option of including the original videos.
6. Everything else that you might think would also be needed....

Feature Requests / Romove disabled cameras option
« on: January 06, 2020, 04:16:14 PM »
Some times I end up disabling many cameras for various reasons - too many to begin with, too blury, too little details... Anyway, when I finish processing my projects I would like an option to permanently remove all the cameras that are already disabled, because these are the cameras I do not need any more. Then I can make my archived projects so much more optimised.

Feature Requests / GPU processing - on/of switch in the process window
« on: January 06, 2020, 04:09:21 PM »
With every version you introduce a GPU support for more and more processes and this is great. However, sometimes they produce results different than expected. Although this is usually fixed later on with new versions, the easiest way so far to temporarily avoid problems has been manually switching off GPU in options. But is not the best solution, as it swiches off GPU for all processes, including theones that work much faster on GPU. So please please add to each GPU-accelerated process a tick box "use GPU" which would be ticked by default if GPU acceleration is switch on in options. But when I wanted to I would be able to easily switch GPU off for a specific process only. Also, please add this option for each process in batch processing, so I would be able to created a queue that is mostly GPU-accelerated with some exceptions for processes that currently work better on CPU.

Feature Requests / Pins to lock photos, console and jobs panels
« on: January 06, 2020, 03:56:52 PM »
Hi. Every time I mask something I end up accidently closing the bottom panels. I understand that some people may want to move them from time to time or close them. However, please introduce a pin at the bottom on each panel. When the panel is pinned, it will be impossible to close. If someone wants to close it or move it, they have to un-pin it first.

Thanks, I have worked this one out as well, but it is quite annoying. I have a few chunks at different level of completion, so every time  switch chunk and want to process a new stage, I have to remember to either switch on or switch off GPU. That is why I am asking about a tweak that I can input in the preferences to switch off GPU only for texture processing.

Is there any tweak to temorarily bring back the old way of texture processing under 1.6? I have a project to finish within days.

Here you are. This is a log from my batch processing I set over night. Starts around 3:50. All previous actions were some final tests. As you can see 4 chunks in batch process took 9 hours so far and the last one is still going. Previous version could do it in 4-6 hours.

Just updated to the newest build 1.6. The chunks that needed 40 - 60 minutes for texture generation in the previous versions, now need over 2 hours. For some reason GPU accelerated process works slower than non-GPU before. I have Nvidia Geforce 980M and so far with every update all GPU-accelerated processes have always worked much faster than non-GPU. This time it is different. Why?

Hi. Sometimes I use 1000 of photos and when I see the sparse cloud I know that my model will look great and I do not need so many photos. I would probably do with 500 and it would decrese the time needed for processing.

So in that case instead of manually disabling every second photo, I would love to have a button that will open a window and let me select every second (third/forth/fifth.. etc.) photo for me, so I can disable them quickly. This would be very helpful for projects where I start with over 4000 photographs.

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