« on: January 06, 2020, 04:09:21 PM »
With every version you introduce a GPU support for more and more processes and this is great. However, sometimes they produce results different than expected. Although this is usually fixed later on with new versions, the easiest way so far to temporarily avoid problems has been manually switching off GPU in options. But is not the best solution, as it swiches off GPU for all processes, including theones that work much faster on GPU. So please please add to each GPU-accelerated process a tick box "use GPU" which would be ticked by default if GPU acceleration is switch on in options. But when I wanted to I would be able to easily switch GPU off for a specific process only. Also, please add this option for each process in batch processing, so I would be able to created a queue that is mostly GPU-accelerated with some exceptions for processes that currently work better on CPU.