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Messages - DanielS

Pages: [1]
Hi Veras,

unfortunately, I didn't manage it at that time. But I'm also no longer working on the project and can unfortunately not offer you a solution!

I hope that you still get ahead!

Dear Community,

with the new version of Agisoft Metashape it is now even easier to integrate a multi-camera system.

But how does the correct parameterization work?

I have a stereo camera system of which I know the relative orientation from a calibration process. The left camera is the origin of my system. From the right camera I know the translation as well as the rotation in all three spatial axes related to the left camera.

The values are:
TX: -0.104792 m
TY: -0.004861 m
TZ: 0.004516 m
omega: -0.706689 deg
kappa: -0.732511 deg
phi -0.182933 deg

How do I enter the values in the dialog box? So that I include this relative calibration as fixed in the evaluation?

Thank you very much for the help and in advance for helpful answers.

All the best

Hi everybody,

there are any ideas for this topic? I have something similar and i'm trying to figure out what the problem is.
I need some information to localize my problem.

Thanks in advance.


Pages: [1]