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Messages - harrytwomey

Pages: 1 2 [3]
i think i did it

Code: [Select]
# Script to add exif for SODA Meta data for all cameras in the active chunk.

import PhotoScan

# Checking compatibility
compatible_major_version = "1.4"
found_major_version = ".".join('.')[:2])
if found_major_version != compatible_major_version:
    raise Exception("Incompatible PhotoScan version: {} != {}".format(found_major_version, compatible_major_version))

def sodaADD():
Reads Soda/accuracy/YPR
doc =
if not len(doc.chunks):
raise Exception("No chunks!")
print("Script started...")
chunk = doc.chunk

for camera in chunk.cameras:
vect = PhotoScan.Vector((10, 10, 10))
locationAccuracy = PhotoScan.Vector((10, 10, 10))
if 'Sensefly/Yaw' in
vect[0] = float(["Sensefly/Yaw"])
if 'Sensefly/Pitch' in
vect[1] = float(["Sensefly/Pitch"])
if 'Sensefly/Roll' in
vect[2] = float(["Sensefly/Roll"])


if 'Sensefly/GPSXYAccuracy' in
locationAccuracy[0] = float(["Sensefly/GPSXYAccuracy"])
if 'Sensefly/GPSXYAccuracy' in
locationAccuracy[1] = float(["Sensefly/GPSXYAccuracy"])
if 'Sensefly/GPSZAccuracy' in
locationAccuracy[2] = float(["Sensefly/GPSZAccuracy"])


camera.reference.rotation = vect
camera.reference.location_accuracy = locationAccuracy

print("Script finished")

label = "Custom menu/Add S.O.D.A Exif Data", sodaADD)
print("To execute this script press {}".format(label))

hi could you possible have an example script, thatwe could change the vairable to match the values in our exif, we would like to import yaw pitch roll, also xy accuracy and z accuracy

Python and Java API / Re: Setting camera accuracy with Python
« on: April 17, 2019, 11:23:03 AM »
Would it be possible to modify this to extract accuracy from exif of rtk-gps tagged photos and assign these values to each camera

We have a ebee drone with soda camera, example extracted exif using ExifTool by Phil Harvey
The images have all the useful info but photoscan does not read it in with the photos

I uploaded some images for reference

Thank paulo, is is a great help

Hello Paulo

It works

can you explain how you makes these grid to tiffs, is it in photoscan or something else. it would be helpful for everyone if you did a youtube video

thanks again.

So we checked it against GridInquest, which is the official app for doing transformations between wsg84 and Malin head(OSGM15).
We are getting results that's are very close to correct, yet there seem to be a error of between 10 to 14mm between the two transformations in the height field only, Easting and Northing coords match good

The error seem to be less as the data points are closer to the west of ireland, 5 - 7mm
The error seem to be less as the data points are closer to the east of ireland, 3 - 5mm

Do you have any idea where this error in coming from.

Hello Alexey Pasumansky

I am unsure what a undulation grid file is, as everywhere I searched it is mentioned in reference to the geoid goetiff. which is what I thought a undulation grid was??

I sending you the raw exif exports, which it the wgs84 from the drone. And a correct version transformed by the official the OSI application. And the Incorrect version transformed by photoscan using the default itm grid.
Also the .prj I tried to create after downloading the osgm14 geoid model from you site

Hopefully you can help

We have a DJI too, so this information is very useful

But we also have a SenseFly Ebee, with rtkppk, so we get exif cords that are in WGS84 that are sub 25mm accuracy
when we bring them into photoscan and translate to ITM the error in alignment is far worse than in before converted

We have tried and tried, downloaded the geoid, making .prj files, and we still have no solution

We have drones that geotag photos using rtk, accuracy less than 20mm, an we would like to transform the coordinates into the correct Irish Transverse Mercator, with Malin Head Datum, before aligning them

Even after the downloading of the goeid model osgb36_osgm15.tif there is no improvement, still the tranformed coordinates are off by maybe 50 meter in height

Can some help us please??

General / Re: Filter Images by Markers not working
« on: December 21, 2018, 07:32:18 PM »
photo viewer was off!

Is there a way to import the full exit, I am not getting yaw pitch roll, or the gps corrections

General / Filter Images by Markers not working
« on: December 21, 2018, 07:30:45 PM »
Using version

Filter by marker does not work, I have tried all this
Filter image by anything(point )

Pinning three of the markers by hand in 3 images each
and making a low poly mesh from sparse pointcloud

project contains 1480 images flown with Sensefly camera, image have gps data, image errors in excess of one meter using gps data, gps data was rtk linked for accuracy
, flow in high wind, missing or blurry images excluded from project

Sometimes when pinnigng gcps, coordnate system for markers woulf rest to wsg84, marker collected in itm(EPSG Code: 2157)

Any Ideas?

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