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Messages - bassistas

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Bug Reports / orthomosaic generation error (metashape 2.0.2)
« on: March 22, 2023, 04:42:04 AM »
I cant create an orthomosaic on a project I have photos combined with laser scans. I always get this error: can't open file: The device does not recognize the command
If I disable the laser scans and leave only the photos the process starts and creates the orthomosaic successfully without any error.
I'm attaching also the log file.

Bug Reports / Re: Assertion "3478972301441" failed at line 720
« on: March 22, 2023, 12:43:45 AM »
Hello bassistas,

You have Assertion 23671468921001171 in the log, it is a different one.

Can you confirm, if you are working with the newly created project or using some old one? This assertion could be related to rare cases, when the project has been created with the laser scans added in some 2.0.0 version pre-releases.

I found what was causing the issue. For some reason one of the imported laser scans was without the panoramic image althought the original e57 has the color information and I opened this exact file on cloudcompare to check if everything is alright. I deleted this laser scan and the process now completed sucesfully. Fortunately the missing laser scan wasnt necessary to cover the area but I cant imagine why all other laser scans imported with their panoramic images and not this one.

Bug Reports / Re: Assertion "3478972301441" failed at line 720
« on: March 20, 2023, 07:12:29 PM »
Its not resolved, I still get the Assertion failed error in 2.0.2  :-\

Hello bassistas,

Can you share the complete log from 2.0.2 related to the failure? Either post it here or send to

Here is the complete log from 2.0.2
In this project I have 62 laser scans and 927 photos. I managed to align everything but I'm stuck in the build mesh as I always get this error.

Bug Reports / Re: Sketchfab upload from version 2 not working
« on: March 19, 2023, 05:46:29 PM »
Hello bassistas,

Do you mean loading to laser scans to Metashape or uploading them to Sketchfab?

Can you share the log related to the operation, including Metashape starting lines?

I mean loading laser scans to Metashape, but I finally resolved the issue. I checked the log and I had to save the project in psx format first for large laser scans.

Bug Reports / Re: Assertion "3478972301441" failed at line 720
« on: March 19, 2023, 05:42:03 PM »
Its not resolved, I still get the Assertion failed error in 2.0.2  :-\

Bug Reports / Re: Sketchfab upload from version 2 not working
« on: March 15, 2023, 12:30:59 AM »
I am using the version and when I'm trying to load some laser scans which are with a high density point cloud (1/2 resolution from a Faro focus scanner) I get a "not enough memory" error. I have 128GB ram and free disk space but still does the same every time i try to load the scans. I also tried  from another pc with similar specs and I still get the same exact error. Is this a bug?

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 2.0.0 pre-release
« on: January 15, 2023, 06:38:19 AM »
Hello, I have imported some laser scans using the new option but as some of them don't contain colour and only intensity Metashape doesn't show any image from these (in grayscale) so I can't add any markers to improve the alignment of the photos from the camera.  Is there any solution to this?

Bug Reports / metashape 1.8.5. corrupt
« on: December 22, 2022, 01:58:00 AM »
I'm using metashape 1.8.5 and for some reason, the suddenly got corrupted. I didn't have any power loss or blue screen, I just saved the project normally through the save button and I closed the program. When I tried to open it again I got this error message: Can't locate zip directory , Error: Can't open archive:  ....../ I tried to open the manually but I got an error that says it's corrupted.
Is there any way to recover my project? I have spent hundreds of hours manually placing markers on thousands of photos to be able to have a successful alignment with photos and laser scans and I also had the model ready for export with textures but now I can't access it. Is there a way to recover at least the model? thanks

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 2.0.0 pre-release
« on: October 19, 2022, 06:00:05 PM »
Dear bassistas,
It would be helpful, if you can share the sample data (your E57 file).
If you are able to share the data, please send the download link to

Here is a link to a sample e57 file
Please let me know if you are able to reproduce the problem.

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 2.0.0 pre-release
« on: October 19, 2022, 11:28:28 AM »
Hello bassistas,

Do you use Import Depth Images or Import Point Cloud for E57 files? Also can you share the processing log related to the file import (enable Write Log to File option in the General Preferences tab and try to reproduce the issue)?

I'm using the import point cloud option for the E57 files. Here is my log file, I don't see any errors, it just crashes:

2022-10-18 18:29:52 ImportPointCloud: path = D:/Faro scene projects/arnaia scans 1-10-2022/Faro scene Gerovasiliou/e57 export/gerovasiliou_Gerovasiliou000.e57, format = PointCloudFormatE57, crs = Local Coordinates (m), shift = [0, 0, 0], precision = default, point neighbors = 28, use trajectory (origin)
2022-10-18 18:29:52 Working in temporary directory D:/temp//import_points.tmp.11
2022-10-18 18:29:52 Importing point cloud in memory. Save project in .psx format for big file import.
2022-10-18 18:29:52 Importing point cloud...
2022-10-18 18:29:53 Analyzing points...
2022-10-18 18:29:53 processing 68983239 points...
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Calculating normals...
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Required 25.9399 GB RAM for extended block
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Available: 80.6923 GB
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Using extended block
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Using 32 threads
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Expected max memory usage: 25.9399 GB
2022-10-18 18:31:17 computed normals in 32.536 sec

I just tried to export the laser scans in another format (pts) and now they are loading without any errors but it takes a lot of time to load as the files are double the size now.
So maybe there is a bug with the e57 format.
Now I'm stuck on the "reset current alignment" option which is not active (greyed out) and if I proceed with the alignment it doesn't align the photos with the scans.

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 2.0.0 pre-release
« on: October 18, 2022, 06:44:07 PM »
Hello bassistas,

Do you use Import Depth Images or Import Point Cloud for E57 files? Also can you share the processing log related to the file import (enable Write Log to File option in the General Preferences tab and try to reproduce the issue)?

I'm using the import point cloud option for the E57 files. Here is my log file, I don't see any errors, it just crashes:

2022-10-18 18:29:52 ImportPointCloud: path = D:/Faro scene projects/arnaia scans 1-10-2022/Faro scene Gerovasiliou/e57 export/gerovasiliou_Gerovasiliou000.e57, format = PointCloudFormatE57, crs = Local Coordinates (m), shift = [0, 0, 0], precision = default, point neighbors = 28, use trajectory (origin)
2022-10-18 18:29:52 Working in temporary directory D:/temp//import_points.tmp.11
2022-10-18 18:29:52 Importing point cloud in memory. Save project in .psx format for big file import.
2022-10-18 18:29:52 Importing point cloud...
2022-10-18 18:29:53 Analyzing points...
2022-10-18 18:29:53 processing 68983239 points...
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Calculating normals...
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Required 25.9399 GB RAM for extended block
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Available: 80.6923 GB
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Using extended block
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Using 32 threads
2022-10-18 18:30:45 Expected max memory usage: 25.9399 GB
2022-10-18 18:31:17 computed normals in 32.536 sec

General / Re: Agisoft Metashape 2.0.0 pre-release
« on: October 17, 2022, 07:40:46 AM »
Hello, I just tried this pre-release version and when I try to load any e57 laser scan the program crashes and closes after some minutes of loading without any error. The e57 files are structured and they are exported from the Faro Scene.  Does anyone know why this happens?

General / Re: TLS Laserscans - Registration incorrect
« on: October 11, 2022, 08:25:17 PM »
You must define the tls as fixed.

To do this, click the checkboxes for position and rotation (only tls) before the camera orientation.

Where do I find these checkboxes? Also do I need to run the quicklayout script first?

General / Re: TLS Laserscans - Registration incorrect
« on: October 10, 2022, 09:44:02 PM »
Hello Dieter,

In 1.8.4 release (published yesterday) when you add pre-processed laser scans from TIFF files (all at once) they will be added as multi-camera system, but during the alignment the relative orientation of the sensors in the system will be preserved (just to not enable adjust rotation/location for the slave cameras in the Camera Calibration dialog).

This approach is an intermediate solution, as in future major Metashape updates the concept of the laser scans will be revised. But I hope that it could at least partially work for your needs.

I've tried this method and I get a successful alignment but the orientation of the model is wrong. How Can I keep the orientation of the laser scans? (rotation/location for the slave cameras is unchecked)

General / mesh generation extremely low cpu and gpu usage
« on: August 03, 2022, 05:44:24 PM »
Hi guys,
I'm trying to create a mesh from 50 laser scans and 2788 (50mpixel) photos but after the generation of the depth maps the CPU and GPU usage is dropping to almost 0-3% and only the disk usage activity hovers around 30-40mb/sec as you can see in this screenshot. If I leave it like that the estimated time starts to explode and shows 8 to 10 days or more which is extreme for such an amount of data and the hardware I use. Is this a metashape bug? I'm using the latest 1.8.4 build.

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