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Messages - Ungrim

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Extremely long defocusing mask generation?
« on: July 12, 2022, 10:20:11 AM »
[solved]: reinstalling Metashape in version 1.83 hlped, so it was my local problem

I wanted to run some tests and unfortunately encountered a problem. It looks like the mask overlaps the photo visually, then stands at 71% and regardless of the settings it doesn't want to move on or cancel. Anyone encountered such a problem?

General / Re: Issue with importing *.pts file.
« on: January 08, 2021, 05:00:16 PM »
Thank you so much, it works perfectly now!

General / Re: Issue with importing *.pts file.
« on: January 08, 2021, 03:48:51 PM »
I've sent a mail. Thank you!

Bug Reports / No polygon after dxf export in 1.7.0 Metashae
« on: January 08, 2021, 01:59:21 PM »
When I try to export polygon shape into *.dxf in 1.7.0 Metashape it exports only label. After downgrade to 1.6.6 software exports corretly polygon and label.

At the other hand Metashape imports this dxf correctly in 1.7.0, but 3 other software does not see polygons.

General / Re: Issue with importing *.pts file.
« on: January 08, 2021, 01:35:57 PM »
It is 127mb and I never tried to load pts file before. But way bigger *.las files was imported without any issue.

I am trying to import it at clean, saved project. When I erase half of the file it loads same fragment. Metashape says file size is 8.27mb.

Update: I've cut down file to 100 points. After import, dense cloud shows 648k points.

General / Issue with importing *.pts file.
« on: January 08, 2021, 01:11:38 PM »
I have an issue. When I try to import *.pts file to Metashape it loads only part of it. Cloud has square shape and about 4kk points and it loads only about 1/8 of it. It loads point cloud correctly referenced in correct place but only part of it. Why?

General / Re: Naming in Shape Report
« on: January 08, 2021, 01:10:26 PM »
Your naming specified in properties in shape report would be great, thats true!

Bug Reports / Re: Torn dense cloud and DEM after update
« on: May 05, 2020, 01:27:48 AM »
Thanks for reply Paulo. Unfortunately focal length in the newest project seems to be just fine but at the other hand distorsion is worse. I take a closer look at this topic.

Thank you Alexey, for taking a closer look at that. I would send aligned project and photoset tomorrow.

Bug Reports / Re: Torn dense cloud and DEM after update
« on: May 04, 2020, 02:26:40 PM »
Any update with this issue? I got more locations photographed and more results. At three locations dense is torn and looks awful. One of the location was flown twice, first with bright sun, second with fully clouded sky. Results are the same. I am really out of ideas.

At all locations I got issue with gcp errors. It could also point at the align problem right? I took measurements with two different gnss receivers and compared the results from the previous several months and they looks good.

I am really concerned about this because one of location's dense cloud was out of any acceptance. I had to emergency install competitive program which given correct results. This is definetely something in Agisoft itself that I am doing wrong. But I don't really know what it could be, because it is first situation like this and I am using Agisoft for 5 years.

Bug Reports / Re: Torn dense cloud and DEM after update
« on: April 09, 2020, 09:43:42 AM »
Hi Alexey, thanks for reply.

Yes, it was a single flight and it was aligned without issues. I got another mission even in different zone of coordinate system from last week and it looks the same. I was wondering if that could be a problem of bright sunlight but all photos are exposed correctly and with perfect focus.  But I was already flying in such sunny conditions and it was fine (attachment from January)

Aligning parameters are: high, source, generic preselection, key point 40k, tie point 2k. I attached screen from camera adjustment tab as you said. Camera is from DJI P4 Advanced.

Bug Reports / Torn dense cloud and DEM after update
« on: April 08, 2020, 09:48:06 AM »
Hello, few questions. I've been doing same work every month for over 18 months. Since last update of Metashape I have some issues. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong but I want to make sure.

First of all my GCP lost accuracy. It was never an issue and I can't really say what can cause a problem here. Maybe now they are more accurate and closer to truth than before ;).

Issue that really bothers me is torned dense cloud and DEM. It looks like at the screens. Any solutions? What am I doing worng?

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