« on: July 22, 2019, 05:04:45 PM »
I'm a new user of Agisoft and am having issues with the export of a point cloud and the correct coordinate system.
The point cloud and model (of a building) have processed fine as far as I can see, including adding 4 control points measured using the OSGB coordinate system. The images were taken by drone using the WSG84 coordinate system.
The point cloud needs to be analysed in CAD based on an OSGB coordinate system, however if I export to OSGB the result is a meaningless straight line rather than the building; if i export to the local coordinate system it doesn't tie in to OSGB (I don't have access to the CAD as the model is being analysed by someone else).
Is there anything I should be doing to avoid this?
Thanks in advance