« on: January 17, 2012, 01:49:02 PM »
Thank you - I see what I have done wrong now. Classic case of operator error!
I don't have the XY co-ordinates for my GCPs, only the elevation data. I input 4 GCPs based on graticules from a printed map, and assigned only X and Y values (I don't know the elevation of these parts). I was therefore telling Photoscan to produce a model based on 4 points with an elevation of 0 (ignoring all the GCPs with elevation but no XY values), which is why there were some negative values. This may also be why there were some gaps initially - if they were too far out perhaps they could not be represented in a DEM.
I have got around this by using the 4 XY GCPs to estimate the X and Y co-ordinates of the elevation GCPs, whilst retaining the original elevation details. I am now running the model based on the estimated XY values and the known elevation values (and not the 4 XY GCPs). I think this will work.