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Messages - AnnaS

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General / Re: Not all shapes visible on photos
« on: August 17, 2021, 10:36:25 PM »
Awesome. Thank you, Paulo. That did it.

General / Not all shapes visible on photos
« on: August 17, 2021, 09:37:14 PM »
I've imported a variety of shapes into my Metashape project. I can see all the shapes layered over the orthomosaic, but only select layers layered over a photo that spans the same area. Does anyone know why this is or how I can get all shapes visible on photos?

My workaround for the time being is to draw the same shape on top of itself on the orthomosaic, and then it's visible in the photos.

General / Re: Measure 3D height from 2D image
« on: May 19, 2021, 08:06:41 PM »
Wonderful! I saved your code as a .py file and ran the script through the Tools menu. Thanks a bunch, Paulo

General / Re: Measure 3D height from 2D image
« on: May 19, 2021, 05:08:23 AM »
Hi Paulo,

Thank you for elaborating. This helps, and I'm using your suggestion.

One final thing is how to use that python code you shared to automatically create a 3D_distance attribute. I use agisoft's GUI, and do not normally use python. I tried putting the code you shared into the console with the layer name changed for what I'm using, but I kept getting syntax errors. Is the console the right place to start? Or should I put your code into a python script and run it from the tools menu?

Thank you for the help.

General / Re: Measure 3D height from 2D image
« on: May 12, 2021, 07:59:34 PM »
Awesome. How do I see the measurement (m) of a polyline shape?

General / Re: Measure 3D height from 2D image
« on: May 12, 2021, 06:02:46 PM »
Thank you for explaining again, Paul.

I see now that placing a point at the top of the char height and then fixing it in a few more images will place the marker correctly in the 3D model. However, it's not clear to me how this helps me measure the char height. I don't know of a tool other than the ruler to measure between the two markers. Do you have any suggestions? The height of the char in the 2D image is roughly the same whether before I mark the char with points (image pre) or after (image post).

General / Re: Measure 3D height from 2D image
« on: May 12, 2021, 03:41:54 AM »
José, could you elaborate on how your post relates to measuring char height on a tree from a 2D image? I'm using the point shapes to mark the base of every tree and to store information about each tree (presence of regrowth post-fire, char height, etc.). I don't understand how placing points in a few photos on a tree helps me measure char (fire scar) height on a tree trunk. Thank you for elaborating.

General / Measure 3D height from 2D image
« on: May 05, 2021, 06:14:48 PM »

I'm trying to measure char height on trees from aerial imagery. I'm using the ruler tool in Metashape. I'm wondering if you have recommendations for other tools in Metashape that would allow me to measure char height more accurately.

My plan without a better tool is to measure char height in the images and then get some validaiton measurements in the field to create at least a correlative structure of char height across our site. However, I figure many brilliant minds before me have needed this, so there might be a tool out there that I'm missing.

I've considered and dismissed measuring char height in the dense point cloud. The flight overlap was low enough that the 3D reconstruction of many trees is poor.

Thank you,

General / how to see point shape colors
« on: April 01, 2021, 07:06:00 PM »

When you create a shape layer, you specify a color for that layer category. Despite creating a few layers with specified colors, I can't view those colors when I create a point shape with any of those layers. The flags marking the point shapes are green when they're created in an image, and then they're blue or white on other images. I haven't figured out what a blue or white point shape flag means. For example, in the attached image there are two point shapes, one with a layer I specified as black, and the other assigned to a layer I specified as a darker green - however, I don't see these colors.

How can I view the layer color for a given point shape? Or do layer colors have a different use other than to view the point shape flag?

Thank you,

General / Re: add metadata to markers
« on: March 22, 2021, 11:04:00 PM »
Yes, that's what I need. Thank you.

General / add metadata to markers
« on: March 16, 2021, 09:24:27 PM »

I have marked tree locations in my metashape project. I'd like to add metadata to each marker (e.g., presence of tree regrowth - Y/N). Is there a feature to add metadata to markers? If not, I can submit this as a feature request.

As a work-around, I see I can add markers to groups. I could create groups for different metadata categories. However, after moving a marker to Group 1 or Group 2, I'm unable to see a list of markers listed in each group. Is there a way I can see which markers are assigned to different groups? Further, is there a way to rename groups?

Thank you,

General / Best practices for merging imagery from distinct spatial AOIs
« on: October 19, 2020, 08:31:40 PM »

I have imagery from three missions, each covering an area close to one-another. Two of the areas overlap a little . How would you recommend I process these? Should I load each mission's imagery into a separate chuck on the same project and then merge them? If so, at what point in processing do I merge the chunks? I'm sure there are best practices for this case described somewhere, but nothing turned up in my searches, so thanks to anyone who can find a related post.


General / Re: Convert CRS of cameras
« on: July 08, 2020, 05:38:39 PM »
Hi Paulo,

Thanks for the helpful response and repetition.

I requested permission to access the google drive file.

I want to make sure I understand the workflow:
1) Once I have both the geoid tif and prj, create a compound CRS using the Convert tool in the reference pane. Check both cameras and markers in this window.
2) Now cameras will have been converted from WGS84 (EPSG:4326) to NAD83(2011) + NAVD88 Geoid18 height
3) Align photos. Or do I want to convert CRS after aligning photos? As per my second question in my first post of this thread, if I try changing CRS before alignment, the camera long/lat/altitude stay the same.
4) Upload markers as in NAD83(2011) + NAVD88 Geoid18 height.

General / Convert CRS of cameras
« on: July 07, 2020, 11:51:57 PM »

I have DJI P4P photos in WGS84 (EPSG::4326).

My markers are in NAD83 + NAVD88 + Geoid18. I can't find an undulation grid to import the markers directly into Agisoft, so I need to convert them beforehand. Geoid18 is a relatively new geoid model and thus not many conversion tools support it. The only conversion tool I can find for converting from Geoid18 is the NOAA Vertical Datum Transformation too. However, this only converts to versions of WGS 84, like WGS 84 (G1150) or WGS 84 (G1674).

If I convert the markers to WGS 84 (G1674) and try to bring them into a sparse point cloud set as WGS 84 (EPSG:4326), then I get an error: Unsupported datum transformation.

1) What do you recommend I do? Do you have a recommendation for another coordinate conversion tool?
2) If I change the CRS for the cameras to the converted CRS of the markers before aligning the cameras and importing the markers, I can do this, but the lang/lat/altitude of the cameras don't change as converted coordinates should. How do I correctly change the CRS of the cameras?

Best regards,


In this forest surveying project, we're interested in having the best relative spatial accuracy possible. We collected GCP coordinates using a Trimble RTK system that gives vertical/horizontal accuracy for each coordinate. I'm interested in your opinion between two processing scenarios:

1) GCPs as truth. Use the default 0.005m accuracy for GCPs/markers, thus treating the GCPs as close to 'truth' as possible. Then for any analyses we do on the dense cloud, we can use the Trimble accuracies as the spatial error.

2) Use measured accuracy in processing. Use the Trimble-provided accuracy as the accuracy in Agisoft. Then for any analyses we do on the dense cloud, we use the MetaShape errors as the spatial error. However, in this scenario, I'm unsure how the Trimble accuracy and Agisoft error would interact for a given GCP coordinate.

I'm curious which of these two workflows you'd recommend.

Thank you,

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