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Messages - Hamid Ghayour

Pages: [1]
Thanks again Alexey for addressing this issue,
Great! I checked .xml save for exporting DEM and Orthomosaic in version 1.6.5, it works well, now many options are available for batchjobs in xml format. I noticed that <surface> and <radius> sections are under <projection>, I'm not sure; but I guess they are related to geometric properties of projected coordinate systems.

Thanks Alexey,

In saved .xml file, I see <surface> and <radius> sections, but I'm not sure what these items do for me during exporting dem and orthomosaic.

Hello Alexey,
I'm using version 1.6.3 and it seems there are still some minor issues with saving a FULL structured .XML file during EXPORT DEM / ORTHOMOSAIC from batch processing dialog. I try to set  a specific region with min/max coordinates for X and Y, but I can't see them in the saved .xml file under <region> class. Of course there are many other options neglected in .xml for Export Orthomosaic settings e.g. JPEG compression value, Generate Tiff Overview, Write alpha channel, etc.

By the way, May I ask you to explain what the purpose of these options in saved .xml file is?

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