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Topics - LSR

Pages: [1]
Hi all,
I have problems with alignment of images acquired with Mavic 2 PRO. After alignment process the images appear tilted and shifted (see IMM.1).
Mission has been planned with GS PRO (DJI) with settings (parallel to main path), see IMM.2 .
The images alignment was processed with Metashape v. 1.6.0 and the following settings (see IMM.3):
-Accuracy: HIGH
-Generic preselection: YES
-Reference preselection: SOURCE
-Key point limit: 50000
-Tie point limit: 5000
-Guided image matching: NO
-Adaptive camera model fitting: YES

The rolling shutter option has been unchecked, because the result was worse (see IMM.4).

Can someone help me to solve the images alignment problem?

Best regards,

Pages: [1]