Camera Calibration / Camera calibration for historical air photos
« on: February 26, 2020, 01:54:56 AM »
Hi. I'm new to photogrammetry and have been having trouble getting good alignment for series of aerial photos (e.g. USGS and similar). I have been cropping the black edges off the photos before I load them into metashape pro. I add GCPs after the initial alignment, and optimize the cameras. The alignment is pretty good, but I often get some camera locations that are at a different height than adjacent ones, even though presumably the flight was at a similar elevation for the whole photo strip. Also the calculated focal lengths are not the same (or sometimes even close) to the focal length given in the metadata. Is there a way to fix the focal length or the camera height for all the photos in a chunk so that the alignment is improved? For most of these photos I don't have complete camera information, just focal length, scale of photo, and approximate center and corner positions. I tried entering the focal length (in mm) in the camera calibration tool, but then when I "optimize cameras" again, nothing seems to change. Thanks for any help you can give!