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Topics - MichaelH

Pages: [1]
General / Cannot see drawn shapes in model space
« on: October 02, 2023, 01:41:27 PM »
Is there a reason why I cannot see shapes that I've drawn in model space? My point cloud is an imported .laz. It's been clasified. I am using regular shape tools and Vertex snap. The layers are visible, the shape button is activated and Transparency is set to 0%. Whenever I try to draw a point or polygon they immediately disappear from the model space but the shapes remain in the chunk. Thanks in advance.

General / Problems selecting points
« on: September 14, 2023, 04:55:40 PM »
Hei, I've just updated to the newest version of agisoft and point selection isn't working properly.  If I use a selection window or the free-form selection it only selects patches on the cloud. Any ideas how to solve this. I've changed the visible selection tool and this hasn't made a difference. thanks in advance

General / Change point class names
« on: June 07, 2022, 12:08:21 PM »
Our client requires the point classes to be in their native language. The language isn't on the standard language list.  Is there a way to change the point cloud class names in Agisoft to reflect this? Alternatively is it possible to do this in alternative software after processing.

General / Combining Laser scan and point cloud data
« on: January 18, 2022, 12:55:37 PM »
I've read that it is possible to combine laser scanned point cloud and UAV photo data.

I have a large point cloud of a building in e57 format uncolored and a set of geotagged photos of the roof and yard area in colour. These photos also have targets if necessary. The Geotags are in WGS84 but the cloud is in a local coordinate system. The cloud is registered but not unified.

Can someone point me to a straightforward workflow to combine this data. Do I need to process the photo data to a dense cloud first? Do I need to add the target points to the scan data? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

General / Dense point cloud not as good as earlier Agisoft version
« on: March 16, 2021, 10:15:00 AM »
Checking back on an old roof survey job, I processed the photos and it seems that the dense point cloud has many holes where none previously existed. Can anyone explain why this might be happening and how the quality can be improved. I've noticed similar results on other jobs but this is my first like for like comparison between old agisoft and new metashape.

General / Problems with shapes/vertex markers
« on: January 26, 2021, 02:02:09 PM »
Since installing the latest versions of metashape, when  I draw a shape on a cloud, model or DEM the program displays the vertices as 'flag' markers. Also I can't change the shape outline without adding a new vertex whereas in the older versions I could just drag on old vertex to the preferred position. Does anyone know how this can be changed back to the older settings?

Camera Calibration / Working with Material from a Different Camera
« on: December 09, 2019, 08:51:35 AM »
I've been tasked with processing material from a different drone from a third party provider. The camera will obviously be different from the one that we regularly use.
Will I need to do any adjustments to agisoft before processing the material?

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