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Messages - thomas83

Pages: 1 [2]
General / working with pattern projection
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:13:04 PM »
i am currently working with pattern projection and stereofotografy to aid photoscan in the process of finding points when working with homogenic surfaces.
i use a led beamer to project a random noise pattern on a surace, then i take a stereopicture.
i use different chunks for each projection/image pair and merge them. this whole chunkmerging is really tiresome and i have to use manual markers, which makes the whole effort hardly worth it.

is there a way to tell agisoft to use these stereo image pairs instead of trying to find corresponding points across all fotos? maybe via the file name, like cam1_01.jpg and cam2_01.jpg? so that i can work on one chunk i mean...  i have seen this option in programs like 3DSOM.

also, would it be possible to use one set of photos to find the points/build geometry and a second set to build the texture?

thanks again!

General / artifacts and hole filling
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:32:34 PM »
when i make a model, photoscan encloses the not visible parts in some sort of mesh-bubble.
how can i configere the programm to not close ANY holes?

thanks  :)

General / hdr images
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:35:45 PM »
can i feed  photoscan with (processed) high dynamic range pictures?

General / importing mesh
« on: January 17, 2012, 02:18:48 PM »
I?m trying to import a model that i scanned using structured light into a photoscan project to eventuaslly allign and merge them.  but i find that when i import a mesh into a new chunk i cant set markers on it...any help? is my idea even possible?

thanks a lot


Pages: 1 [2]