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Messages - sfmdd

Pages: 1 [2]
Feature Requests / Assign images for texture
« on: August 21, 2020, 08:36:37 AM »

it would be nice if it's possible to assign another image for a region of the texture like in the ortho workflow.
Either in the model view or in some kind of a texture view.

Sometimes some bad assignment in a small part of the texture is going on despite there are much better images available. I think it might be nice to have more influence on the final texture building.


Feature Requests / Re: Selection Toolset -> Add Polygon Tool
« on: July 23, 2020, 10:43:08 AM »

General / Re: Weird color blending after updating mosaic
« on: July 01, 2020, 08:12:45 AM »
Hi Alexey,

i've used default settings, mosaic i guess. Does that differ from 1.5.5?

General / Weird color blending after updating mosaic
« on: June 30, 2020, 08:51:23 AM »

I have an issue with the updating orthomosaic function.
When i assign another image to a part of the orthomosaic to get rid of a car for example everything looks normal, but after updating the mosaic i got some weird color blending there. I'm not completely sure but i think i haven't had this issue with version 1.5.5. Now i'm working with 1.6.2.

Anyone else has this issue or maybe a workaround or something?

You can see the effect in the attached screenshot.

1. original mosaic
2. the replacement in editing mode
3. red color blending after updating the mosaic


General / Re: DEM export
« on: June 26, 2020, 02:37:48 PM »

I've never used *.dem files but this is just another raster-based format for elevation models, just like TIFFs can be used for.
ArcMap has no issues at all using TIFFs with height values. I'm using them all the time, just export to TIFF, using the right CRS you need and open it in ArcMap.

You also can fly an oblique and a nadir mission on the same height (or the combined mission, multioriented) over the same area and process the datasets together. Metashape will estimate the correct focal length. At least this worked for me on many different spots without GCPs.

The estimated focal length for my P4RTK is around 3655-3656. Ive only flying missions with NTRIP over mobile network and no base station.

I got Z-Errors around +-2-5 cm depending on flight height to known points and airborne lidar datasets.

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