Thanks for the quick reply Alexey. I am afraid between 2 of us, we have never been able to get a decent alignment of any specific group of images. Nonetheless, I will send what we have - unfortunately, this will have to be in a group of emails unless you have a repository for us to upload to. We will of course do this. Additionally, there is no error log of any kind that I can find when the system crashes because of rapid growth of memory usage in Ubuntu 20. There is no metashape crash log, and the system log does not show anything. I have tried to find an nVidia log but that does not exist either. I started monitoring memory usage with top in Linux and we just see the % of memory usage climb to > 80% at which point the disk is thrashing and the system hangs. So we have reverted back to Ubuntu 16. The nVidia drivers for Ubuntu 16 are lower in sequence number than for Ubuntu 20 as far as I was able to install them. What might be useful for users like ourselves is to get a reference image set, with a set of assigned settings for alignment, cloud generation, texture generation etc. so we could assure ourselves of our approach and understand what happens when we use different settings. Then perhaps users could also upload problematic image sequences and we could help each other. The learning curve is high with this software and there are many places one can screw up. As for the video my system easily views it with the "videos" application on my Ubuntu 16 system. For the moment, we have given up with Ubuntu 20 because it always crashes, usually creating a dense point cloud. Alexey, I am astounded at how much you do all by yourself. This must be a 24X8 job