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Messages - Faima

Pages: [1]
Hello there,

in a general workflow I want to add some Reference points to align my dense point cloud to (Metashape Pro Version 1.8.4). The problem is that I want to set the chunks coordinate system to EPSG::4326 and the Markers reference to EPSG::32632 (attached Screenshot, rightclick on chunk --> "Reference settings..."). Now, I am able to define a desired Coordinate System for the chunk (1) and also during the argument "chunk.importReference(...)" (2). Both arguments work, but of course always for all of those three settings from the screenshot. I am not familiar using python scripts in Metashape, and I didn´t find a solution here or in the Python Reference pdf to "subdivide" the "Metashape.CoordinateSystem" argument - can someone help me with new ideas?

Code: [Select]
crs ="Select Coordinate System of Chunk", = crs

Code: [Select]
chunk.importReference(path, format=Metashape.ReferenceFormatCSV, columns='nxyz', delimiter=',', crs=Metashape.CoordinateSystem("EPSG::32632"), create_markers=True)

General / Re: Pointers to an Agisoft Newbie
« on: February 24, 2021, 01:45:05 PM »
Hello George,

looking for advice with another problem I stumbled upon your post - I can only make suggestions for your question number 3)

- You can select unnecessary parts of your dense cloud by using the selecting tools and delete them (screenshot1). By rightclicking on your dense cloud you can always restore it.
If it is difficult to select only a specific element in the dense cloud you can reduce your editing area by first selecting a smaller area --> then menu point "Tools" --> "Dense Cloud" --> "Filter by Selection" --> this may help with selecting & deleting more precisely from different angles etc

- In the menu point "Tools" --> "Dense Cloud" you can also use different filter + selecting tools -->  f.e. you can try out "Classify Points" and then use "Filter by Class" --> this may help you to select certain points
- Or use "Select Points by Color" if you want to clean out points with a destinct color (pick the color from the screen and vary the tolerance)
- I can also recommend "Filter by Confidence" if you f.e have elements in your dense cloud with a certain confidence (I tried it with Trees + vegetation f.e) --> switch to "Dense Cloud Confidence" (screenshot2) to see if you have areas that you could clean this way (probably only possible if you selected the option "Calculate point confidence" for building the dense cloud)

Not sure if this is what you need or if you already found answers, anyway
Cheers, faima

General / Reducing low vegetation in Dense Cloud + "Editing Report"
« on: February 15, 2021, 04:28:10 PM »
Hi all!

I´m trying to determine the difference in volume of various mounds of earth inbetween two drone flights. The problem is, that in the first flight there was vegetation all over the place, so the volume I am measuring is somehow vague as the altitude on top does not represent the top of the material. In some areas it is hard to identify the top of the material (see attached). Is there a way to filter/edit/... the Dense Cloud to reduce the undergrowth and work with the surface of the material?

I tried:

-  Classify Points + filter by class
-  Filter by Confidence
-  Filter by Color
-  manually selecting obvious areas

It is getting better, but it´s still not good.

My second question is whether there´s a way to generate some kind of "editing report" which would document filters I used and generally show how I edited the Dense Cloud (and what kind of inaccurracy I created by doing so)?

I am new to this forum, so I hope I didn´t overlook an already existing answer :o
Cheers and thanks for any kind of help-

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