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Messages - HaydenMartin

Pages: 1 [2]
Feature Requests / Re: Splitting multicam imports - no more slaves
« on: September 24, 2024, 08:51:36 PM »
This is my second, maybe third year of asking about this seemingly super basic functionality - there is no documentation of this anywhere and no info on this on any forum or Facebook/LinkedIn page

It really is such a simple concept but it just seems to be deemed irrelevant and I can’t understand why.

If someone aligned a bunch of stuff via 360 multicam, using a master camera is great for a quick alignment, but surely you would want to reduce overlap and make tweaks to the individual slave cams afterwards for cleaner meshes?

Feature Requests / Splitting multicam imports - no more slaves
« on: September 24, 2024, 08:30:48 PM »
Been asking this for a while

I’m importing multicam folders in, which creates a subfolder for each sensor

It’s a helpful way to do alignments, but I cannot seem to split these cameras up. They all remain slaves. This is SUPER ANNOYING and impractical

How do you split all these cameras back up please?🙏

General / Re: Splitting up a multicam rig after the alignment process?
« on: April 17, 2024, 01:48:30 PM »
Well ideally both! Haha

Would be awesome to know how to split up the master/slave cameras after alignment

And would also be awesome to edit the script so it works with multicams

Python and Java API / Urgent Multicam Gaussian Splats Export
« on: April 17, 2024, 10:30:30 AM »
Hey guys

Question here regarding multicam rigs

When a multicam rig is loaded in, with master/slave cameras, is there a way to “break apart” the slave cameras from the master after the alignment process so they are classed as seperate again?

The reason I’m hoping to find out the approach for this is because I’m using Postshot, a Gaussian Splat platform which requires exports of all the cameras from Metashape, rather than just the Masters

To clarify, I simply want to be able to access ALL cameras from the lefthand side cameras tab.

Right now I have 700 Master cams, each with 5 Slave cams, so in total I want to have access to 3500 cams… I hope that makes sense. If I can sort that out then I shouldn’t need to modify the script details below:

Here’s the script I’m using:

Looking at the scripting documentation here:

Seems like I need to do something like this, but unsure how exactly, as  I’m a total Python noob:

To export the slave/secondary cameras, I’ll need to modify the parts of the script that iterate over the cameras in each chunk/frame. Specifically, in the functions “get_filtered_track_structure”, “save_undistorted_images”, and “save_images”, i’lll need to iterate over not just “frame.cameras” but also “frame.camericaclusters” which contains the slave camera clusters.

For each slave camera cluster, I’ll need to extract the individual slave cameras using “cluster.cameras” and process them similar to how the primary cameras are processed.

General / Re: Splitting up a multicam rig after the alignment process?
« on: April 17, 2024, 09:59:59 AM »
Hey Paul

Thanks for this

As great as it is to have a response so soon, I’d really appreciate if you could provide a bit more context regarding:

“ then chunk.cmeras[0] is master and chunk.cameras[n] with n = 1 to 4 are slaves....etc... “

Are these export commands? If so where to a place then?

To clarify, I simply want to be able to access ALL cameras from the lefthand side cameras tab.

Right now I have 700 Master cams, each with 5 Slave cams, so in total I want to have access to 3500 cams… I hope that makes sense

Here’s the script I’m using:

Looking at the scripting documentation here:

Seems like I need to do something like this, but unsure how exactly, as  I’m a total Python noob:

To export the slave/secondary cameras, I’ll need to modify the parts of the script that iterate over the cameras in each chunk/frame. Specifically, in the functions “get_filtered_track_structure”, “save_undistorted_images”, and “save_images”, i’lll need to iterate over not just “frame.cameras” but also “frame.camericaclusters” which contains the slave camera clusters.

For each slave camera cluster, I’ll need to extract the individual slave cameras using “cluster.cameras” and process them similar to how the primary cameras are processed.

General / Splitting up a multicam rig after the alignment process?
« on: April 17, 2024, 01:58:03 AM »
Hey guys

Question here regarding multicam rigs

When a multicam rig is loaded in, with master/slave cameras, is there a way to “break apart” the slave cameras from the master after the alignment process so they are classed as seperate again?

The reason I’m hoping to find out the approach for this is because I’m using Postshot, a Gaussian Splat platform which requires exports of all the cameras from Metashape, rather than just the masters

Would be great to know if this is possible and how to do it!


Camera Calibration / Splitting Multicam Rigs After Alignment
« on: April 17, 2024, 01:57:22 AM »
Hey guys

Question here regarding multicam rigs

When a multicam rig is loaded in, with master/slave cameras, is there a way to “break apart” the slave cameras from the master after the alignment process so they are classed as seperate again?

The reason I’m hoping to find out the approach for this is because I’m using Postshot, a Gaussian Splat platform which requires exports of all the cameras from Metashape, rather than just the masters

Would be great to know if this is possible and how to do it!


Camera Calibration / Camera position import from PFtrack
« on: December 05, 2021, 04:52:39 PM »
Hey all

How do I import camera positions and their corresponding images to Metashape?

I’ve solved a 360 camera track and want to use Metashape to create a mesh of the scene as it has better granular control than PFtrack

PFTRACK Export options:

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