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Messages - MarineL

Pages: [1]
Hi, is it possible now? I have ~100s of models I would like to automatically decimate and upload to Sketchfab
Cheers :)

Python and Java API / Re: Aligning chunk based on 4x4 matrix
« on: March 09, 2022, 08:15:24 AM »
Thanks @jedfrechette that is exactly what I suspected. I was first using this script from an older post:

So reading your suggestion I changed it to this:

import Metashape
doc =
chunk = doc.chunk
T = Metashape.Matrix([[0.996788382530, 0.080044053495, 0.002253011800, -0.223356008530],
                      [-0.080041415989, 0.995143175125, 0.057292371988, 0.072804056108],
                      [0.002343843691, -0.057288724929, 0.998355031013, 0.125097066164],
                      [0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 1.000000000000]])
chunk.transform.matrix = T * chunk.transform.matrix

And it worked, amazing thank you so much !!

Python and Java API / Re: Aligning chunk based on 4x4 matrix
« on: March 08, 2022, 01:32:46 PM »

I was wondering if you made any progress on this matter? I am trying to achieve the exact same thing  :)
I used Cloudcompare to co-register (align) two point clouds from the same location but surveyed at different times. I would then like to import the matrix that describes the transformation from the second model (chunk) to the first (reference) into Metashape.

The reason I am not trying to co-register models in Metashape (yet) is because the point alignment won't work (the 2 clouds are not alike enough to do so) and I would like to avoid placing markers manually (we are planning to use the coded markers later but it is always tricky to place permanent markers underwater for yearly surveys!).

Unfortunately the script works but the model to be aligned isn't aligned with the reference model. I suspect it is due to the fact that cloudcompare gives the reference model the matrix [1,1,1,1] while this is not the case in Metashape?

Thank you for your help :)

Python and Java API / Re: Transformation matrix
« on: March 08, 2022, 01:24:37 PM »
I was wondering if you had made any progress on this matter? I am also trying to co-register 2 point clouds (same location but different years) in cloudcompare then import the transformation matrix into Metashape. The reason I am not trying to co-register models in Metashape (yet) is because the point alignment won't work (the 2 clouds are not alike enough to do so) and I would like to avoid placing markers manually (we are planning to use the coded markers later but it is always tricky to place permanent markers underwater for yearly surveys!).

Unfortunately the script works but the model to be aligned isn't aligned with the reference model. I suspect it is due to the fact that cloudcompare gives the reference model the matrix [1,1,1,1] while this is not the case in Metashape.


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