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Messages - DayGeckoArt

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6
Place your markers and see what happens. There's no requirement, I've had ground control points on only single photos

General / Re: How to rotate mesh or point cloud?
« on: June 10, 2022, 11:10:22 AM »
I learned from this thread that there's a Rotate Object tool under Model > Transform Object > Rotate Object

I recently tried loading camera calibration data exported from another project where I know there was no rolling shutter effect. Then I checked the rolling shutter compensation box. I figured this way the program would have the full calibration data, but the adjust the rolling shutter parameters only. The results seemed good

General / Re: Waving a white flag
« on: June 10, 2022, 11:00:04 AM »
GCPs do turn blue if the program is confident about their locations. You may have to place quite a few before some start turning blue

General / Re: Perfect settings to process data having fine geometry
« on: June 07, 2022, 10:29:47 AM »
If dense cloud is not good(without necessary details and with unwanted noise), then mesh/geometry can not be fine. Did you try ultra high quality dense cloud?

Did you try build mesh from depth maps only? should get better mesh result.

Are you sure about depth maps being better? I've only gotten much worse results from depth maps

General / Re: 2-D image stitching
« on: June 07, 2022, 10:04:30 AM »
Pretty sure that's not possible but what you have to do is export an orthomosaic. You have to somehow get the program to understand that the XY axes are the surface of the wall and then your orthomosaic will be a flat projection of the surface

General / Re: Directional vector from yaw, pitch, and roll?
« on: June 06, 2022, 08:20:07 AM »
I'm pretty sure the pitch, roll, and law only help the photo alignment process. If they're aligned properly then they don't matter anyway.

If you have blurry spots on your orthos and textures, it's probably because the program is choosing further photos or edges of photos to fill those spots. You have to draw polygons, right click, and then assign a different image. I'm hoping they update Agisoft to let you prioritize photos that are closer to the area in question

Now I can safely say that what I said is correct. The model, once it has accurate GCPs, then can figure out how inaccurate your camera GPS locations are. If you give it only camera GPS, it doesn't know how bad they are

Naaa, I'm taking that back. watched the linked yt-webcast to the end now. So ground control points CAN help to reveal possible z-value errors in the rtk-data, if you messed up something I did not fully understand yet.
Takeaway: doublecheck your data...  :-\

The cameras are positioned in 3D space using the ground control points as an imput. It's not just for revealing Z errors. RTK GPS error isn't the only thing you have to worry about, also the angle of the cameras. If a camera is 1 degree off from nadir, that alone adds a huge amount of error.

Another way to improve this would be to allow selection of a seamline polygon and change the assigned photo of that, rather than requiring drawing a new polygon

Feature Requests / Re: Standard Plus (i.e. Medium) version please!
« on: June 04, 2022, 09:21:10 AM »
I was able to get an educational license by doing free modeling for the university! But I still think a cheaper "plus" version would be good

I would also like to request this and also for generating orthomosaics.

Another good thing would to be able to set priorites for groups of photos, that way you can set the close ones to high priority and further ones lower. I have landscapes where I collect some features (structures) from up close but the rest of the area is just a grid from 120 meters high, but often the 120 meter pictures get chosen for the textures and orthomosaics and I have to manually replace. Or I disable the high cameras and then get left with holes elsewhere

General / Re: Placing control points
« on: June 04, 2022, 05:25:24 AM »
If it's not clear I block the control point so it doesn't mess up the model

General / Re: How to rotate mesh or point cloud?
« on: June 03, 2022, 06:30:07 AM »
Hello DayGeckoArt,

If you have input coordinates of the cameras or markers in the local system to Reference pane, make sure that Local Coordinates option is selected for chunk in the Reference pane settings dialog.

Any cameras/markers that have coordinates input in a different system should be unchecked on the Reference pane.

Then, to apply the changes, press Update button on the Reference pane toolbar.

Yes local, but I can't find any way to select all the cameras and point cloud and mesh and rotate everything.

For example I have a big fragile map from 1960 that I photographed and processed, but it's tilted. I need to align it to lay flat on the XY axis

If you check all the boxes when you align or optimize cameras, will that take care of the skew from rolling shutter? And what if all your photos don't have rolling shutter? Will they all get the same calibration and get messed up if you have a few rolling shutter pictures in your set?

I shoot manually in raw, not with an automated flight program. Sometimes I end up with a few photos where I didn't let the drone stop fully

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