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Messages - aarondesalvio

Pages: [1]
Hi again Alexey and Paulo,

Perhaps Aggressive DepthMap filtering mode for my second data set is not adequate since it seems to be covering more of the lake area and less of the topography (hills on either wide of the lake).

I tried with Mild filtering and it seems to be a bit better (no more Zero resolution report, but still scattered DCloud and minimal Depth Maps). Still, I am able to put together an orthomosaic. Now, will it alter my thermal data if depth maps and Dcloud are minimal? Or is it strickly aftecting my elevation data (which I don't really need)?

Thanks again  :)

Hi MJoelle, according to this reply by Alexey, dense cloud quality does not affect the resolution of the orthomosaic. Hope this helps!

Camera Calibration / Re: Point cloud / Ortho are skewed/tilted (no GCPs)
« on: October 19, 2022, 01:12:32 AM »
I know I am late to this post, but I have developed this series of camera calibration parameters that has allowed for reproducible non-warped sparse and dense clouds using the Mavic 2 Pro. Of course, camera calibration parameters (at least in my understanding) can vary based on environment, but I have had luck with using parameters retroactively on previously collected data using the same drone with great success. Considering the camera is the same, it is my suspicion that these parameters will work for other data sets.

Basic procedure:
- Tools > Camera Calibration > load in the .xml file
- While in the Camera Calibration menu, go to fixed parameters > all
- Alignment settings: 50k key point / 5k tie point, generic and reference preselection, exclude stationary tie points

And you're off to the races. Please let me know if this helped you at all.

Best regards,


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