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Messages - Matt

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General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.0.0 pre-release
« on: November 05, 2013, 04:02:42 PM »
Hi Andyroo,

Thanks for the input. The main area I am having trouble with in the orthos is in dense bush where I get this 'fog' below the canopy. I can work around this by classifying the dense cloud and filtering out everything but  the ground (build 1736) then exporting the project back to 9.1 and exporting the mosaic from there (its not ideal).

I think we are doing much the same thing in the way of time series work so it may be worth having a chat sometime. Although I suspect I am on the opposite side of the earth to you on the land down under.  I have been sucessfully running the AMD/Nvidia combo for over a year now with no real issues.  I have stopped upgrading the nvidia drivers at 311.06 as I am running a GTX 590 and run the most up to date catalyst drivers.  No Stalling when I am viewing meshes although I never really bother with anything over 40 mill on my processing machine. I suspect the Titan 6 GB would solve your issues with large mesh display but it would still be pretty bad in the openCL processing side.

HI Alexey,

Yep tried it with numerous dense clouds at everything from low through to ultra high, they all work in 1736 not at all in 1760. Given up using 1760 at this stage as I am under the pump with projects. I will try and have another look at it tonight while I am processing.


General / Re: Modelling an engine block
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:06:59 PM »
Shiny/reflective is bad. You will probably need to coat it with something dull to get the photo matching to work.

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.0.0 pre-release
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:04:17 PM »
Hi Alexey,

I am having issues with the classify point cloud functionality.  Runs very quickly in 1736 but no luck with build 1760. In 1736 it just initialized for a few seconds and then away it went now it just stalls after the second initialize. I should add that I have been giving up after fifteen minutes based on previous experience and reverting to build 1736.

Also has the softness/blur issue in the ortho export been resolved in the 1760 build as I have had to revert to 9.1 for production ortho export my forested areas or areas of very complex geometry.

Thanks again to the team for the awesome product.

Feature Requests / Re: Command line access and Python scripting
« on: October 31, 2013, 01:29:34 AM »
0.8.3 while not having all the bells and whistles of the newer builds was solid and stable and I managed to get the most accurate Ortho's and DEM's from historical scanned photographs out of that release. From memory about that time they changed the detection and or mesh generating algorithms.  I have windows and linux installers for 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5 sitting around somewhere and as long as Alexey is OK with it happy to dig through the archives link. If there is an issue I have access to a couple of different clusters and could give it a run here.

General / Re: Performance question
« on: October 08, 2013, 01:38:58 PM »
It all comes down to Ghz  ;)

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.0.0 pre-release
« on: September 12, 2013, 05:42:08 AM »
Hi Alexey,

Can you elaborate/describe on the settings/colours for the dense cloud classifications. I cant find any mention of it in the forum/instructions.
Many Thanks

Hi kris,

I can get my 7970 to run at 1250/1850 set in catalyst/afterburner/evga precision but in photoscan the GPU still does not use its full resources (fluctuates between 30-80%). It is more a photoscan implementation issue as it runs at 97% constantly for very long periods when folding proteins for Stanford FAH.

Yep my CPU's (3.3 ghz) run at between 65-90% when CPU is 'disabled'

Hi Milos,

Yeah I played around for a very long time with CPU/GPU cores and I guess each machine will be slightly different with Motherboard, CPU and GPU combos/cores/bandwidths etc. I have a dual quad core CPU machine and I found the sweetspot for me was 4 cpu threads/cores. Any more or less than that and total performance went down. As you have observed the GPU's need some interaction with the CPU during depth reco even if they are 'turned off'.  I have never had a problem with ram leakage/limitations as always had 256 GB as a minimum

Results from your statue benchmark on high below to illustrate my point on latest beta build:

Stock no overclocking

0 cores

Device 1 performance: 572.199 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 2 performance: 560.82 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 3 performance: 792.417 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Total performance: 1925.44 million samples/sec

2 cores

Device 1 performance: 50.8449 million samples/sec (CPU)
Device 2 performance: 606.999 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 3 performance: 601.872 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 4 performance: 876.044 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Total performance: 2135.76 million samples/sec)

4 cores

Device 1 performance: 83.7371 million samples/sec (CPU)
Device 2 performance: 583.827 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 3 performance: 598.242 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 4 performance: 909.663 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Total performance: 2175.47 million samples/sec

6 cores

Device 1 performance: 122.919 million samples/sec (CPU)
Device 2 performance: 589.601 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 3 performance: 556.646 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 4 performance: 784.322 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Total performance: 2053.49 million samples/se

Moderate GPU Overclock

4 core

Device 1 performance: 81.7631 million samples/sec (CPU)
Device 2 performance: 636.155 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 3 performance: 612.912 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 4 performance: 1016.49 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Total performance: 2347.32 million samples/sec


Hi Wishgranter,

Well I pushed my GTX card on luxmark and it wouldnt come back to idle at all and temps rose to 105 C (Glad I didnt cook it  :) ).  Now happily maxing all cards on ultra settings in pscan with no worries back on Nvidia driver 311.06 and catalyst 13.6.  They seem to be the best for my high performance mixed dual GPU system at present.

Heres the results of your statue benchmark on ultra on the new build with the above drivers.

Device 1 performance: 119.358 million samples/sec (CPU)
Device 2 performance: 591.419 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 3 performance: 634.232 million samples/sec (GeForce GTX 590)
Device 4 performance: 1035.01 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Total performance: 2380.02 million samples/sec

Thanks for the Linkedin endorsements. Chat soon


I am running a combo of 7970 and gtx590 cards. In the last two weeks i have been having similar issues. In my case I would get a lock up when viewing multimedia (flash etc)on the web while processing on the graphics cards in Pscan. Same symptoms of flickering display ending up with the BSOD. I have manually switched of automatic driver updates and installed the latest beta catalyst drivers. Still had crashes but wiped all drivers clean with ccleaner and downgraded nvidia drivers to 314.22 and its stable for now. There has been lots of talk about on forums about recent nvidia drivers, nvidia update and windows driver updates causing havoc. It could be your on board video driver causing issues. To eliminate this issue I totally disabled mine with a jumper on the motherboard. Stress testing the cards with uningine is a good idea. Stay away from fur mark though. Good luck

General / Re: Strange workstations testing results.
« on: June 14, 2013, 04:58:11 PM »
I find the xeons great you have just got get the data processing centre specific chips. Less cores with more ghz. Multi CPU boards are currently the only way to get enough ram to process really large projects in a single chunk.

General / Re: Strange workstations testing results.
« on: June 14, 2013, 03:24:23 AM »
I think you will find the faster processor speed of the i7 (3.8 ghz) will give that machine the edge. Regardless of the amount of cores the i7 is simply faster than the Xeons. For this reason many people overclock the i7 processors to maximise the efficiency of alignment etc. The two machines should perform pretty much the same during depth processing as the GPU's are the same.

General / Re: Powerfull but slow
« on: May 29, 2013, 10:40:42 AM »
Strange that you should use more ram on the smaller machine maybe you are mistaking RAM use in % of RAM on the big machine for GB.  Small machine is getting RAM limited hence the slowdown.  In photoscan RAM usage depends on the size of the projects and the quality of the model being generated.  If you want to test your RAM out on the big machine try build geometry at Ultra with 300+ photos that from memory should get you up around 80 GB.

General / Re: Powerfull but slow
« on: May 29, 2013, 09:51:50 AM »
The higher speed of the i7 will give a bit of a performance boost in point matching, alignment and mesh generation but that should be outweighed by the boost from the 7970's during geometry construction. 

I have pretty much the same setup as your dual cpu machine and have found that you have to disable all but 4 of your CPU cores in the preferences dialogue to maximize GPU performance.  Generally you wont see massive differences unless you are processing on Ultra settings.

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