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Topics - WickedAndy

Pages: [1]
Python and Java API / issue with Photoscan.Model
« on: March 21, 2012, 10:00:51 PM »

not sure if this is user error or a bug, but if I bring in a model using the "Import Model..." menu vs the python command, the model doesn't import into the proper location in space..

here's the basic way I am bringing in a model..

Code: [Select]
mdl = PhotoScan.Model()

chnk = doc.activeChunk
chnk.model = mdl

Python and Java API / Command line scripting support removed
« on: March 21, 2012, 09:52:47 PM »

Feature Requests / PTEX support
« on: March 07, 2012, 04:48:31 AM »
be nice not to have to deal with UV's... especially since it's almost impossible to re-do uv maps on any super high res geometry...

General / Using Chunks workflow...
« on: March 01, 2012, 02:39:18 AM »
here's a observation based on my last photoscan test...

1. I have a scene that I am reconstructing using about 60 images, I need to do "ultra" quality.

2. if I put all images into one chunk, alignment is perfect but "ultra" quality fails due to lack of ram, etc..

3. I break scene up into 4-5  image chunks, each chunk reconstructs fine, I then use Align chunks...
alignment completely screws up

4. put all images into once chunk, align photos, duplicate chunk 12 times, remove non used photos per chunk, now build geometry, everything is fine, but now can't merge the chunks because photoscan wants me to align them, even though they are already aligned! so just for the hell of it, I try to run align chunks, and once again about 1/2 the chunks are scrambled... I would like to be able to merge chunks even though it thinks they are not aligned.

also why does photoscan detect points on each image again when doing chunk alignment shouldn't those points been saved in the initial phase when building each chunk? seems a little redundant.

seems like an easy solution would be to allow you to merge chunks without requiring the alignment.... granted you follow the above workflow 

Feature Requests / Split depth generation as separate task?
« on: February 16, 2012, 11:30:38 PM »
would it make sense to have the cpu/gpu intensive task of generating the depth data in each image
as a separate process from the actual mesh generation? say you make a target mesh of 100000 polys
but then want to have a higher res mesh, could just re-use the saved depth data go straight to the
geometry construction phase?...   just spent 24hrs doing depth generation, wish it could be re-used..

Feature Requests / Rotate Coordinate System.
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:32:41 PM »
handy feature, lots of times when I build geometry and export an .obj the model is upside down or in some strange orientation, a simple tool that would allow you do visually orient the geometry in relation to x,y,z axis would be great, with perhaps a ground plane grid display.. another option would be to be able to pick say 3 points to define an axis plane

Feature Requests / isolated points cleaning feature..
« on: November 02, 2011, 04:16:28 AM »
sometimes when reconstructing a dataset you get a lot of noisy points just floating in random locations, usually these points are pretty isolated to themselves, a neat feature would to be able to define a isolation kill radius (after allignment), changing this radius it would search from each point to the next nearest point, and if it doesn't have any points within that radius, or even a thrshold like if a point has less than X neighbor points it gets removed this should help create a cleaner geometry build..

Feature Requests / Flag images for texturing.
« on: July 22, 2011, 02:35:39 AM »
be a good feature to be able to flag certain images to be or not be used in the texture map generation.
example: I'm using 6 cameras for facial performance capture, 4 of the cameras are b/w cams, used only
for geometry creation, but I would like to flag the other 2 color cameras to just be used for texture creation.

Feature Requests / resume batch.
« on: July 01, 2011, 07:00:28 PM »
having a issue I have a scene that has 100's of chunks... photoscan gets about 30 - 40 chunks in usually before experiencing a crash, I have it saving after every step, it would be great to be able to resume, having an option to "skip existing, geometry, textures ect.. " would be handy.

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