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Messages - JMR

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 34
General / Re: Creating an Accurate 3D Model that is Easy to Measure
« on: May 23, 2020, 06:45:05 PM »
In my opinion the built in measurement tools is almost unusable but for very rough and fast queries, the measurement resolution changes inconsistently from one measurement to another, measurements are not persistent, you cannot take several measurements at once without doing accumulative, etc... I never use this tool. However, with regard to your question, yes, filtering by selection will somehow replace one long term missing feature yet standard in plenty of programs: clipping boxes.
Also, your complain about not being able to move to another place during measurement is not right. You actually can pan, rotate and zoom to another place from one measurement end to the other:
ctrl+shift+left button down+drag for view rotation (also works with al+shift+left button down+drag)
shift+left button down+drag up and down for zoom in/out (the mouse wheel is also working)
ctrl+left button down+drag for panning (also works with alt)

My suggestion for accurate measurements it is to use scale bars and get distances from estimated values of distance. An alternative is drawing lines and later retrieve their length by means of the shape measurement tool.


Hello: I'm regularly offering online training, (I've worked with collision documentation specialists too). drop me a mail and provide contact details so we can discuss about options.


Thank you soooo much!
Best regards and health!

PLEASE Agisoft, remove tha dialog or make it optional, it is unbearable as is. Imagine after having stereo-digitized 22372 shapes. I had to downgrade to previous version to not commit  suicide.
Also, notice that the current way of rendering a point (shape) easily turns screen into a mess when there are plenty of them. You should enable cleaner rendering mode for displaying vectors in all views. (colored, please)
Also, please enable a reasonable way to toggle view of markers attached to shapes. they become totally intrusive and incompatible with visualization. What if you show them only on selected shape/s?
Best regards

the focal length in mm, doing the formula I obtain
? it does not make sense, your focal length in mm can't be sub mm for a sensor this size

The camera calibration dialog gives you several formats when you try to save parameters. The USGS format for example, will give you values in mm for F, and principal point. as well as pixel size.

YES please, give us a check box in the dialog and allow us to "use same properties for following shapes until tool change" or something. Having to close this dialog at every point is painful.


General / Re: mixing accurate photo locations with inaccurate
« on: March 23, 2020, 06:27:53 AM »
Unchecked cameras are aligned, but their coordinates don't participate in equations, so they are not disturbing the bundle adjustment.
if you have cameras with high accuracy  and others with low, you can set specific  values for each: One by one by doble click in accuracy cell and then enter value, or in groups by multiple selection, then right click and modify... accuracy.

if accuracy is similar in XYZ then enter a single value i.e. 0.005
if horizontal accuracy is higher than vertial, you can enter the two values separated by "/", i.e. 0.005/0.015
if you had independent x,y,z, accuracy estimations, you can enter the three values in the same way. i.e. 0.02/0.03/0.05


General / Re: Best practices and advice for processing P4RTK
« on: March 12, 2020, 03:24:35 PM »
I'd gladly give you some hints if you like. Also I can show you how gcp marking in MS can be really damn fast. Do not hesitate to contact me.

It seems this chunk has nor been referenced, that would explain no coordinates can be estimated.
A simple workaround could be to assign coordinates (with accuacy values as low as 10m) to four markers on your model defining a local system. As your main source of metric control are scale bars, dont worry about loosing accuracy because markers will be so low weighted that they will hardly have impact in your model.

1. Yes that the "clear" I meant. but after using it, unless you have cleared also projections, you should keep having estimated values for the marker and it should change every time you move its projections.
2. When you export the markers they all must have estimated values in coordinates unless they have no projections, so please make sure that your are checking the "save estimated values" in the export dialog


pd. out of curiosity. Why do you stay 1.5.1...?

It seems like you are adding markers on the model and that's why they show coordinates (source values) instantaneously.
I have argued if this is the right behaviour with devs, in my opinion it may leads to confusion but there are reasons to keep it as is.
Rather than doing this way, you should add the new marker in the project tree and then place it on photos. This would keep empty the source coordinates, and the check point will behave as a checkpoint not as an additional constraint.
A workaround it is to clear location for this reference point.

General / Re: Small Circles in ortophoto
« on: February 05, 2020, 02:12:30 PM »
This is normal (and unavoidable). This light spots are around the projection of the drone shadow. Around this point the reflection of ground surface towards the camera has a maximum. This tends to be more noticeable in herbaceous crops. You should see the same spot in every picture.
You could atenuate this effect by using average, instead of mosaic... but this often blurrs the orthoimage.

In my opinion is overlap what makes a diference and not the subject, camera brand or model (at least I cant see a single fact related to brand or model besides pixel count). Try to compare datasets where the structure is the same.
Please let us know what you find.


If you just want reference coordinates info to be copied, then use the export button in ref pane, but if you want also projections and status (green/blue) you can do it by using menu option file-export-markers, and then file import markers in the new chunk (active)

Tell us if that worked as your wish


General / Re: Removing green flags on shapes and exporting photos
« on: January 16, 2020, 01:31:29 AM »
Hi Geogirl, the way to remove green flags from shape vertex is to select them and right clic to delete marker. However I think you cannot detach markers from vertices once that they are attached.
If you dont want markers on shapes, uncheck the option that makes them to be attached automatically to every shape while it is been drawn. Menu option Tools-markers-attach markers.
If you have already created lots of shapes and want to get rid of attached vertices, I can export shapes, delete and then import them again.

Good luck


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