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Messages - JMR

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 36
General / Re: Conversion from point cloud to mesh not working
« on: June 14, 2023, 04:14:51 PM »
Sorry, Mark, I missed that you are trying to build a mesh from lidar points and not from photos. Yes, mesh form depth maps or mesh from dense cloud requires aligned set of photo to be available as the source options in the mesh dialog.
If your las is classified you might use ground class to get a DTM if it's not then you can try the ground classification tool and later do the same. Normally you cannot expect to have a nice mesh from forestry lidar data because the points are everywhere into the canopy structure and form a scattered "fog" inside, making it hard for the program to estimate point normals and thus deliver a detailed and accurate mesh. If you are lucky enough and have enough points hitting the ground, you can at least create a good terrain model... but yes, all are pro features.

José Martínez
Accupixel & Geobit
Metashape training

General / Re: Safety message
« on: June 14, 2023, 01:54:05 PM »
I back you on this, Dieter. You are righter than right. The default behavior should be never overwrite, but only if user specifically wants to.

José Martínez
Accupixel & Geobit
Metashape training

General / Re: Conversion from point cloud to mesh not working
« on: June 14, 2023, 01:49:24 PM »
Hi, Mark:
It looks like you are building the mesh from the sparse point cloud (tie points), you should rather use either "from depth maps" or "from dense point cloud" methods.
The latter will take longer, and the results may be slightly different but also in return you will have the opportunity to classify the dense cloud prior to mesh and filter by class the points you want to use for meshing.

José Martínez
Accupixel & Geobit
Metashape training

Yes you can.

I think this could work only if a DEM exists. Draw a shape around the area of interest on the orthomosaic, right click and choose update altitudes. Then goto mesh and you'll see the shape in 3D, if you are on dense cloud you can also select points enclosed by shape, if that is your desire. If you want a more detailed shape projected onto the mesh all along the edges, and not just on the vertices, there's is a workaround as well.

José Martínez
Accupixel & Geobit
Metashape training

General / Re: failure to assign marker points
« on: May 07, 2023, 12:57:16 PM »
I have the impression that your images do not have enough overlap, it seems overlap is under 50% and that leaves areas with zero overlap and that will make impossible to reconstruct. Is an image is reluctant to align but you are positively sure that it overlaps with aligned images, then you need to place at least 5 markers in that particular image connecting it to aligned ones.
José Martínez
Geobit & Accupixel
Metashape training

General / Re: no tie points on road surfaces
« on: April 29, 2023, 12:13:21 PM »
The asphalt shows almost no features. I would suggest to use RAW->tif  to prevent compression artifacts and perhaps you manage to recover more details. To be honest I would be surprised if you had a clean flat surface out of this picture.

General / Re: Wrong camera calibration - adjusted focal lenght too off
« on: March 23, 2023, 01:48:58 AM »
Hello, michaldolnik
I suggest you to carefully inspect geotags.
I have seen some cases where really bad geotags are wrongly qualified as accurate as a few centimetres while just watching the coordinates one can see they are wrong.
When you load pictures in a new project you will see the blue balls representing camera locations. watch and see if there is any obvious blunder or misplaced ball.
if you see something suspicious, just uncheck the box for the suspicious photos. If they are tagged as accurate, they can potentially causing a strong bias in both exterior orientation and interior params.

Best regards

General / Re: GUI in Spanish
« on: February 01, 2023, 02:16:02 AM »
Thank you! That SP GUI typo is likely my fault, I'm sorry! :-[
by the way, don't you think Omega Phi Kappa is the "right", the same fashion as XYZ is the right way for me whereas YXZ... is like driving on the left lane. Very much of an annoyance like nowadays is the entire English System of measurement. (personally: I think the whole world would benefit from banning non IS units whose survival in the globalized world only produces headaches and often catastrophic errors... even some English people privately agree)

José Martínez Rufio... ups, sorry, it's Rubio

Feature Requests / Allow saving bounding region
« on: January 23, 2023, 03:01:53 PM »
I know we can use script to copy region from one chunk to another, but it would be useful to save it so it can be recalled easier.

General / Re: Fill holes in pointcloud?
« on: January 19, 2023, 02:55:40 PM »
Build a watertight mesh from depth maps, and then build a point cloud from the mesh (by sampling) with the desired point spacing... this workflow tends to deliver a much cleaner dense cloud.
Best regards,

José Martínez CTO
Geobit & Accupixel

Metashape training endorsed by Agisoft:

Bug Reports / Re: ... error reading pixel
« on: January 13, 2023, 06:58:19 PM »
Hi, Alexey, it happens consistently. New computer, 64gb ram. Sorage is ssd, Ryzen9, dual Gtx 1070ti, up to date Nvidia drivers... and occurs after depth maps are finished while mesh is being built. Will try same proj in my older computer.

Bug Reports / ... error reading pixel
« on: January 13, 2023, 04:06:54 PM »
What can I do?

2023-01-13 13:55:52   2.83981/4~71% avg groups per camera
2023-01-13 13:55:52   146.25/206~70% avg cameras per group
2023-01-13 13:55:52   0% leaves avg camera intersects in group
2023-01-13 13:55:52   1% big leaves avg camera intersects in group
2023-01-13 13:55:52   29% of leaves are big
2023-01-13 13:55:52   100% of voxels in group are from big leaves
2023-01-13 13:55:52 saved 4 groups (0.03125 KB) for 344 leaves
2023-01-13 13:55:52 saved 2.28516 KB of affected cameras and 0.804688 KB of exclusive cameras for all leaves
2023-01-13 13:55:52 Scheduling octree 344 leaves hist initing in 4 groups (86 avg leaves per group)
2023-01-13 13:55:52 Initing hists in leaves group #1/4: [0; 60)...
2023-01-13 13:56:02 total cubes: 105221949 cubes, 1605.56 MB, 163.966 MB/s
2023-01-13 13:56:02 Data: 2408.34 MB hists + 0 MB codes, 117.297 MB pyramid
2023-01-13 13:56:02 Found 2 GPUs in 0 sec (CUDA: 0 sec, OpenCL: 0 sec)
2023-01-13 13:56:03 [GPU 1] Using device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, 19 compute units, free memory: 7104/8191 MB, compute capability 6.1
2023-01-13 13:56:03   driver/runtime CUDA: 12000/10010
2023-01-13 13:56:03   max work group size 1024
2023-01-13 13:56:03   max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 64]
2023-01-13 13:56:03 [GPU 2] Using device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, 19 compute units, free memory: 7197/8191 MB, compute capability 6.1
2023-01-13 13:56:03   driver/runtime CUDA: 12000/10010
2023-01-13 13:56:03   max work group size 1024
2023-01-13 13:56:03   max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 64]
2023-01-13 13:56:08 openexr error: Error reading pixel data from image file "openexr". Data decompression (zlib) failed.
2023-01-13 13:56:08 openexr error: Error reading pixel data from image file "openexr". Data decompression (zlib) failed.
2023-01-13 13:56:08 openexr error: Error reading pixel data from image file "openexr". Data decompression (zlib) failed.
2023-01-13 13:56:09 openexr error: Error reading pixel data from image file "openexr". Data decompression (zlib) failed.
2023-01-13 13:56:09 openexr error: Error reading pixel data from image file "openexr". Data decompression (zlib) failed.
2023-01-13 13:56:09 openexr error: Error reading pixel data from image file "openexr". Data decompression (zlib) failed.

2023-01-13 13:56:09 [GPU 1] Exception
2023-01-13 13:56:09 [GPU 2] Exception
2023-01-13 13:56:09 Peak memory used: 8.44 GB at 2023-01-13 13:56:06
2023-01-13 13:56:09 deleting all temporary files...
2023-01-13 13:56:10 done in 0.734 s
2023-01-13 13:56:10 Finished processing in 2280.18 sec (exit code 0)
2023-01-13 13:56:10 Error: Can't decompress depth

General / Re: Weird decimation
« on: January 13, 2023, 03:00:56 PM »
Faces   452,844
Vertices   229,662
Vertex colors   3 bands, uint8
Depth maps generation parameters   
Quality   Medium
Filtering mode   Mild
Max neighbors   16
Processing time   7 minutes 24 seconds
Reconstruction parameters   
Surface type   Arbitrary
Source data   Depth maps
Interpolation   Enabled
Strict volumetric masks   No
Processing time   9 minutes 9 seconds
Memory usage   8.29 GB
Date created   2023:01:13 10:01:27
Software version
File size   10.41 MB

General / Weird decimation
« on: January 13, 2023, 01:27:37 PM »
I've recently observed that during decimation metashape divides the whole mesh into regions and it looks it decimates diferently. It gives the impression that it sets triangle count per cluster as target rather than a global volumetric parameter for cutting the iterative reduction process, so it leads to very noticeable diferences in mesh resolution thus exactness between clusters.
I think there's room for improvement here.

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