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Messages - Kiesel

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 23
Hi vkam,

generally you can import cameras with intrinsics and extrinsics with the 'import cameras' command. But you need a project, where you have calibrated all cameras and exported them as XML-file (or in an other desired format) before.

Even this a little old , it's from 2016, perhaps it gives you an idea of the process:

Best regards,


Hi John_H,

Is the statement of Agisoft

Free update
Update from Metashape 1.x to Metashape 2.0 is completely free and does not require any additional payments from the licensed users.

really not valid for a floating license?

No, it's not aerial photogrammetry, so I was expecting a panoramic image.

This is what I would expect as well. Perhaps it has to do with the export out of Cyclone?

Best regards


General / Re: Accuracy in Orthomosaic Output is not coming
« on: February 07, 2023, 09:19:56 AM »
Hi Paulo,

it was a misunderstanding at my side. You meant that you fly at a height to get 7-8cm GSD and not that you fly at 7-8 cm as I have read it, right?  :)

Best regards,


Hi John_H,

so then the pointcloud is a "traditional" structured TLS pointcloud and not an arial pointcloud as you get with the BLKFLY or BLK2GO (and for which you need version 2.0)

I have imported a 3,6 GB pointcloud made with a RTC360 in E57 format, exported in Cyclone, on a much smaller PC (32 GB RAM, GTX 1080 8192 MB) in Metashape 2.0 successfully. The pointcloud was referenced in Cyclone before to a local house system and was then imported in Metashape. The photos were then aligned to the pointcloud (3 photos were not).  DEM and orthomosaic were derived from classified laser pointcloud.

*Also, when I tried importing the acans into 1.8, the images didn't appear at all, which is an issue as I will have to go back to that version when my 2.0 trial expires

Existing users of Metashape (versions below 2.0) can upgrade to version 2.0 at no cost.

Best regards,


Hi John_H,

which BLK was used, because it is a family of different devices (BLK360, BLK2Go, BLK3D,...)

Best regards,


General / Re: Accuracy in Orthomosaic Output is not coming
« on: February 06, 2023, 10:32:40 AM »
Hi Paulo,

...or flying at 7-8 cm GSD...

is that a typo?   :)

Best regards,


General / Re: Non-Coded targets automatic detection
« on: January 29, 2023, 05:34:41 PM »
For good detection, you need high-contrast and big enough targets without glare in your photos. The success of detecting none coded targets (cross type) also depends on the surrounding, in sand and grass surroundings we have very good detection rates but in stone surroundings, it could be that stones and their shadows are falsely detected as none coded targets because they look similar to the algorithm.

To my understanding, with the 'Tolerance' value you can choose how much the target can differ from the ideal pattern for example in oblique photos, and with the 'Maximum residual' how large the residual of the detected center is.



General / Re: Import Orthomosaic
« on: January 17, 2023, 09:27:53 AM »
Hello dpitman,

the PSX format is the actual "new" native Metashape project format, in formerly versions it was PSZ format.

Best regards


General / Re: Cylindrical UAV Mapping (or Unwrap)
« on: January 09, 2023, 12:35:56 PM »
Hallo photo,

According to the Metashape help:
Metashape allows using one of the following projection types: Geographic, Planar or Cylindrical

Metashape can unroll cylinders only.
Your brigde looks more like a three-part basket arch so you have three cylindrical parts. If you can manage to split it in three parts (2 with the same smaller radius and one with a bigger radius in the middle part) it should be possible to get orthomosaics of them and mount them afterwards.

Another possibility is to do it in CloudCompare with "Unfolding a cloud along a polyline"
and then reimport it in Metashape and make the orthomosaic out of it.

Hope it helps


Hallo djyoung,

each manufactured camera differ even from the same brand so I would separate them in different camera groups.

Best regards


Feature Requests / Re: meshed LIDAR texture from LIDAR COLOR
« on: December 20, 2022, 10:02:48 AM »
Dear Alexey,

we were able to extract all panoramas in Cyclone out of the TLS pointcloud and use those for texturing and orthophoto generation in Metashape. Would be nice if this would be a feature of Metashape.

Best regards


General / Re: Filtering point cloud requires multiple selections
« on: December 20, 2022, 09:47:15 AM »
Peterwatson yes if 'Visible selection' is ticked on, only the visible and not the points behind them are selected. This option is on by default, but Agisoft will change that.

Alexey has answered in another thread:
We will make sure that Visible Selection is unchecked by default in the next version updates.


General / Re: Problem with using depth maps of smartphones
« on: December 20, 2022, 09:31:23 AM »
For all interested,

According to the answer of the Agisoft team unfortunately only the front camera of the iPhone can be used in Metashape at this time, which isn't very practical because you don't see what you are photographing unless you have a second screen for that.
My hope was that the backcamera and the ToF-sensor of the iPhone can be used in a form like in Apples 3D Scanner app, Recon3Ds or Dotproducts Dot3D for iOS So there is still some hope that that will be the case in a future version.

Best regards


General / Re: Remove background from object
« on: December 13, 2022, 09:30:26 AM »
Hi MathildeV17,

you can for example restrict the bounding box to the skull or you can mask the background on your photos. It is also possible to erase (or classify) the background from the pointcloud and generate the mesh from the edited pointcloud.

Best regards,


General / Re: Problem with using depth maps of smartphones
« on: December 12, 2022, 10:27:01 AM »
Hi johnnokomis,


I don't think that the depth maps of the iPhone Pro or the ones of your LG60V are a result of the ToF-sensor alone, I think they add some other calculations for example from dual pixel.


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