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Feature Requests / Texture to Vertex Color
« on: May 24, 2014, 01:56:49 AM »
Next Request.

I'd like to be able to generate Models with Vertex colors inbeded in them.

Feature Requests / Re: Texture Node in Chunk
« on: May 24, 2014, 01:53:09 AM »
Next, question: Where do I find that face palm icon? ;)

Thanks James!

Feature Requests / Texture Node in Chunk
« on: May 23, 2014, 09:04:35 PM »
Sometimes it is hard to know what resolution texture I have previously generated.
It would be nice to have a Texture Node listed under each Chunk, so I can pull
information about it like Properties: Texture size, bit depth.

Chunk 1
    Dense Cloud
    3D Model

Otherways I have to export the Texture before needing it.

Thanks Alexey!

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Photoscan - Connecting Camera's
« on: May 23, 2014, 05:50:43 AM »
Let me guess, Windows 8?

General / Re: Lytro ?
« on: April 25, 2014, 09:32:07 PM »

If current stats are true, then I think the Second Gen will be:
Sensor array of 1320?1560 micro-lenses at 10pixels each
Capturing 13120?13120 RAW
Lytro software exports 4320?4320 interpolated images

Or something similar.

I just realized that my Second Gen Lytro projection is too generous, quadrupled things "accidentally". :P

The proper math should go more like this:

1080 ^ 2 = 1166400 Rays OR 11.664 Megarays

In one of the articles they mentioned that they've added 4x resolution, which goes something like

( 1080 ^ 2 ) * 4 = 4665600 Rays OR 46.65 Megarays (actually less, or they would've stated 46 Megarays ) :)

sqrt( ( 1080 ^ 2 ) * 4 ) = 2160 pixels wide by 2160 pixels high

So, there. This could mean that you may need to take 2x OR 3x more shots, depending on your current setup.

That's not all, pixel pitch of Lytro is 3x less than of regular Nikon/Canon making it less light sensitive and more noise prone. But, because of the micro lens design you can probably reduce noise computationally having all that light incident information at hand.

Anyway, just wanted to correct myself on that previous wild estimate.

General / Re: Lytro ?
« on: April 25, 2014, 08:44:24 AM »
sure it has a great potential... I was thinking especially for small objects, where dof can  be an issue..



Check out this video:

31 positions for Focus stacking.
Why not replace it with a single Lytro and "fogetaboutit".

General / Re: Lytro ?
« on: April 25, 2014, 03:30:37 AM »
Was thinking about this myself for the last couple of days after the announcement of their second generation camera.

Thing is that we do have a whole lot of resolution with traditional DSLRs, but majority of it goes to waste since things go in and out of focus.

If Lytro camera can be used with focus stacking that can be a whole other ballgame, because the usable resolution of that camera may actually be more useful. But at f/2, not sure.

From what I managed to find out about First Gen Lytro:
Sensor array is 330?390 micro-lenses at 10pixels each
Capturing 3280?3280 RAW
Lytro software exports 1080?1080 interpolated images

If current stats are true, then I think the Second Gen will be:
Sensor array of 1320?1560 micro-lenses at 10pixels each
Capturing 13120?13120 RAW
Lytro software exports 4320?4320 interpolated images

Or something similar.

But, its the future, I think.

Feature Requests / Adaptive Dense Cloud Sampling
« on: April 17, 2014, 06:23:51 AM »
Some areas of a subject are planar or simple in features and therefore may not require much detailing.

It would be nice if there was a Reconstruction Mode where Photoscan determines where to build: Lowest, Low, Medium, High and Ultra High point cloud all by itself.

Opps, did I just ask for too much? ;)

Btw, check out my latest Turntable:

Just thought I'd share.

PhotoScan does accept multiple UV pages exported from zBrush or other apps, but
you need to edit the OBJ file before importing it back into PS for texture re-projection.

The issue there is use of "g Group#" tag instead of the "usemtl *" tag, which PhotoScan recognizes.

So, open your heavy file in a text editor of your choice, and do Find/Replace on its content. This might take a while but it works.

Your next issue will be dealing with mad amounts of UV Pages if you're into breaking everything into UDIMs.
I've shared this info with Developers, so hopefully we'll get an update soon.

Hope this helps some of you!

Feature Requests / Magic Wand Options: Numeric Input
« on: March 21, 2014, 06:22:18 PM »
For the tolerance value.

General / Align Chunks
« on: March 05, 2014, 11:02:05 PM »
Help me understand the Align Chunks feature better.

What does accuracy do and what does Point Limit do?

Say if I set:
Accuracy = Low
Point Limit = 200000


Accuracy = High
Point Limit = 40000

What sort of results should I be expecting from both of these scenarios?

Is Accuracy some sort of SIFT depth value, which dictates how many iterations the algorithm does at the alignment stage once points a set number of points has been reached?


Feature Requests / Workspace Improvements
« on: March 04, 2014, 07:07:56 PM »
Would it be possible to make the workspace pane act more like a Photoshop Layer window?

With abilities to make chunks:
1. Visible/Invisible
2. Selectable/NonSelectable
3. Groupable
4. Dragable

I to be able to re-arrange chunks, which is not really doable at the moment.
Or, say view place one chunk on the background as a template, while selecting points to delete from another chunk (Think of selection masks in PS)

General / Re: Shelling photoscans
« on: February 21, 2014, 05:50:45 AM »
Oh, nice! I was wondering where this one went, remember it from Siggraph2011.

General / Re: Shelling photoscans
« on: February 19, 2014, 11:40:52 PM »
Thanks  Scanlab. Don?t have Z brush but might look in to buying it. It is at an OK prize point compared to Maya and others.   Herd lots of great stuff about it.  Is it mostly a sculpturing modeling program or is good for hard surface modeling to?  Good render engine, animation tools? 

Cinema 4D looks really interesting to, Don?t know if it has any shelling features though.

zBrush is mostly used for organic stuff.
Hard surfaces are also doable in zBrush, but I would use other, better tools for accuracy critical projects. It does have a good render engine, but is not an animation package.

I don't know much about Cinema 4D though.

General / Re: Shelling photoscans
« on: February 19, 2014, 09:36:17 PM »
Oh cool!

I did not see the video, but was thinking of recording something similar.

Thanks for posting this EMULAT3D!

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