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Messages - Alexey Pasumansky

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 989
Camera Calibration / Re: Leveling problem (building/roof model)
« on: April 09, 2024, 07:50:24 PM »
Hello LourraineZ,

If this DEM has been generated in geographic projection, then such problem means that the model has been inaccurately referenced in geographic coordinate system - either to inaccurate/incorrect coordinates of the reference points used (cameras or markers) or due to wrong selection of the coordinate system.

Hello steve3d,

The procedure of block model texturing will be improved in 2.1.2.

Thank you for reporting!

We are already working on fix.

Hello Mr Miyagi,

Yes, it will be helpful, if you could send the model to, so that we can try to reproduce the issue on our side.
The model will be used only for the analysis of this particular issue.


Have you tried adding images using Add Folder command in the Workflow menu and pointing to the directory that contains all the images (may contain sub-folders) from all the sensors? If so, you should get 11 sensors in the Tools Menu -> Camera Calibration dialog (one master and 10 slave sensors for it).

Note that sensors will be grouped according to the Central Wavelength value, so both Red sensors will have same Index Layer value in the Bands tab of Camera Calibration dialog, both Blue will have same values (and same for Green, NIR and RedEdge), so if you need to get 11 independent output bands in the orthomosaic, you need to re-assign Index Layer values for all the sensors, so that each sensor has unique value.

Python and Java API / Re: Marker Detection - Image Scale
« on: April 04, 2024, 06:57:59 PM »
Hello howcanoewang,

Can you share a few examples of images, where upscaling helps, to, so that we could test possible solutions?

Bug Reports / Re: Software crash
« on: April 04, 2024, 01:05:15 PM »
Hello Federico,

Please check, if you no longer experience crashes when connected remotely, if Metashape is started with additional command line parameter:
Code: [Select]
metashape.exe --opengl angle

Hello Mr Miyagi,

We have tried to reproduce the issue on several random projects with high-poly mesh models and 100+ texture pages, but were not able to reproduce the degradation of the tiled model texture quality.

So I could assume that the problem may be related to the coordinate system (or coordinate values) of the imported model. Can you please specify, if the model that is being imported to Metashape has been georeferenced? What values do you get, when you execute the following line in the Console pane of Metashape for this project?
Code: [Select][0].coord
Please also specify, if you are observing any visual issues when rotating/navigating the imported model in Model view of Metashape?

General / Re: Lighting on the wrong side of pointcloud
« on: April 04, 2024, 12:48:40 PM »
Hello Runaround,

If you are confident that all normals are inverted, you can select all the points of the imported laser scan in the Model view and then use Tools Menu -> Point Cloud -> Invert Point Normals command.

Hello jpaton,

Can you confirm, if you observe the same behavior in 2.1.1 version? Does it happen only when is used or the lock remains, when you exit the application by clicking on "X" mark in GUI's corner?

Hello Ketzerisch,

Can you please specify, what coordinate systems are defined for chunk, cameras and markers in the Reference pane settings dialog and what systems, according to the Chunk Info, are assigned to shapes, dense cloud, DEM and orthomosaic?

I would assume that something wrong is either with the coordinate system of the imported DEM (incorrectly selected in the Import DEM dialog or default selection is custom and does not correspond to any EPSG system), or with the drawn shapes, that also do not correspond to the actual coordinate system.

Hello andyroo,

In the next version update (2.1.2) COPC export speed will be improved, approximately by 7 times, compared to version 2.1.1.

Python and Java API / Re: Apply patch on multiple shapes
« on: April 01, 2024, 01:03:51 PM »
Hello Lorenzoo,

In 2.1 version to check that shape has polygon type you need to use the following:
Code: [Select]
shape.geometry.type == Metashape.Geometry.Type.PolygonType

Hello trelobyte,

Maybe you can use the workaround script that allows to calculate the coordinates of the bounding box corners and put markers there?
Code: [Select]
chunk =
region = chunk.region
for i in range(8):   #finding bounding box corners
pos = Metashape.Vector([region.size.x * ((i & 1) - 0.5), 0.5 * region.size.y * ((i & 2) - 1), 0.25 * region.size.z * ((i & 4) - 2)])
pos = + region.rot * pos  #coordinates in the internal coordinates
corner = chunk.addMarker()
corner.label = "corner " + str(i+1)
corner.reference.location = #coordinates in geographic/projected coordinates according to
corner.reference.enabled = True
Then you can just save the coordinates from the source values tab of the Reference pane of the newly created markers.

Hello Mr.Vain,

Seems like the coordinate information for the cameras is incorrect, which leads to the alignment issues.

You can try to align the images from scratch having the cameras unchecked in the Reference pane and apply the coordinates after alignment is completed - and you should see very big errors on camera locations.
For me is seems that coordinates are assigned to improper cameras (like 5 cameras shift between actual coordinate assignment and correct one).

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