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Messages - Peter

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
General / Re: Texture/Count
« on: January 23, 2014, 06:55:02 PM »
Ok, so if i want moore detailed texture ooutput for my obj fil what to do?

is still the graphics card the limit?, mine is at 16384

General / Texture/Count
« on: January 23, 2014, 06:05:12 PM »
What will the result be if i raise the count value ?

more details in the textures?

General / Re: AMD RADEON slow response big dataset
« on: December 21, 2013, 04:04:09 PM »
Yes that is probably the case, i also noticed that my two 7970 anly show 2 gig om memory in agisoft.....strange as they have 3 gig each.

Has anyone encountered this?

General / Re: AMD RADEON slow response big dataset
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:06:40 PM »
With 40mil it is going fine with VBO enabled

General / Re: AMD RADEON slow response big dataset
« on: December 21, 2013, 11:45:08 AM »
I think agisoft is doing fine, i changed topic.
If i change to point cloud i can rotate model just fine.......i found some old post that there where problem with 7970 and Vbo and handlig large datasets.....

But later on in the same post i stated to be fixed and that there would be fine to handle large sets like with nvidia cards.

I have latest drivers now, i will try to decimate mesh to 40 mil and see.

I have 1200 w psu :)

General / AMD RADEON slow response big dataset
« on: December 21, 2013, 10:57:27 AM »
On my dual 7970 setup when i generete on high setting and 66mil faces agisoft stops responding, is this to much for the cards to handle?

Is there a driver fix for this?
Would nvidia be better f?r desktop viewing than radeon?

General / Collada 1.4.1
« on: December 19, 2013, 06:49:45 PM »
Is agisoft collada export compatible with 1.4.1?

General / Re: Some tips for building new machine.
« on: December 16, 2013, 10:04:04 PM »
Theese are my results from the "benchmarking a gpu" thread. I have not OC but i plan to......

Finished buildning my workstation, havent oc it yet...
Specs are: I7-4960x, asus rampage motherboard, corsair 1866 mhz 64 gb ram, dual 7970

here are results on ultra with photoscan 1.0

[GPU] estimating 1764x2280x544 disparity using 882x760x8u tiles, offset -342
timings: rectify: 0.172 disparity: 3.453 borders: 0.063 filter: 0.187 fill: 0
finished depth reconstruction in 119.424 seconds
Device 1 performance: 200.474 million samples/sec (CPU)
Device 2 performance: 754.388 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Device 3 performance: 754.261 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Total performance: 1709.12 million samples/sec
Generating dense point cloud...
selected 16 cameras in 0.25 sec
working volume: 1640x1638x2566
tiles: 1x1x1
selected 16 cameras
preloading data... done in 0.64 sec
filtering depth maps... done in 5.266 sec
accumulating data... done in 6.266 sec
accumulator: 287.192 MB
octree constructed in 0.375 sec
nodes: 2161 (0.103728 MB)
points: 4069497 (40.695 MB)
nodes: 2161 (0.103728 MB)
points: 4069497 (40.695 MB)
4069497 points extracted
Finished processing in 134.722 sec (exit code 1)

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.0.0 pre-release
« on: December 06, 2013, 01:18:44 AM »
The roads became ok with dense medium cloud and high mesh. But what about theese holes, I have tried default and extrapolated (smooth) but they are still there.

General / Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.0.0 pre-release
« on: December 05, 2013, 08:43:43 PM »
With version 0.91 if i only need ortho i align photos on high and create point cloud typ mesh and i get good enogh result. Sometimes there are small stitching errors around roads but vegetation seems to look moore natural.

I tried this in 1.0, align on high and the generate mesh on high setting, this resulted in really badly stitched roads.

Is this quick way of doing orthophoto gone with 1.0 or was it just bad luck for me...

General / Re: Benchmarking a GPUs
« on: November 30, 2013, 07:21:21 PM »
Finished buildning my workstation, havent oc it yet...
Specs are: I7-4960x, asus rampage motherboard, corsair 1866 mhz 64 gb ram, dual 7970

here are results on ultra with photoscan 1.0

[GPU] estimating 1764x2280x544 disparity using 882x760x8u tiles, offset -342
timings: rectify: 0.172 disparity: 3.453 borders: 0.063 filter: 0.187 fill: 0
finished depth reconstruction in 119.424 seconds
Device 1 performance: 200.474 million samples/sec (CPU)
Device 2 performance: 754.388 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Device 3 performance: 754.261 million samples/sec (Tahiti)
Total performance: 1709.12 million samples/sec
Generating dense point cloud...
selected 16 cameras in 0.25 sec
working volume: 1640x1638x2566
tiles: 1x1x1
selected 16 cameras
preloading data... done in 0.64 sec
filtering depth maps... done in 5.266 sec
accumulating data... done in 6.266 sec
accumulator: 287.192 MB
octree constructed in 0.375 sec
nodes: 2161 (0.103728 MB)
points: 4069497 (40.695 MB)
nodes: 2161 (0.103728 MB)
points: 4069497 (40.695 MB)
4069497 points extracted
Finished processing in 134.722 sec (exit code 1)

Bug Reports / Re: Crash during aligment
« on: November 12, 2013, 12:56:32 PM »
1.0 version worked perfect, i will do a memtest...

Bug Reports / Re: Crash during aligment
« on: November 12, 2013, 09:04:31 AM »
Yes i have submitted crash reports, im not sure on all of them though

Bug Reports / Re: Crash during aligment
« on: November 12, 2013, 08:28:00 AM »
Crash again......

Trying photoscan 1.0 right now

Side lap means inbetween flightlines and lateral overlap is between photos

However the image is shows 20-40 sidelap and 60 frontal

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