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Messages - andy_s

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
General / Re: good solution..?
« on: January 19, 2013, 08:05:00 PM »
Put me on the list Wishgranter. The trigger does seem trivial - even the passive IN4148 diode solution schematic on Chris's site "should" work ok [but an Arduino/Teensy solution would be more reliable. I've requested a design from Paul Stoffregen over at prjc].
It's the auto download into a single directory etc etc that's the useful stuff. I also agree that it's a big investment for something that may change very soon. Is it worth it ?  for a small number of projects I guess not. If it's your bread and butter i've [yet] to identify a viable alternative.

General / Re: Video Tutorials
« on: January 16, 2013, 07:53:58 PM »
I'll try and help any way that I can Wishgranter. Photoscan is a [major] component of a huge learning experience I need to undertake before I can make a living from this. I still need to do a lot of google research before buying a professional Agisoft license. In the meantime, if you need any English "language" translation / meaning help just drop me a message... 

General / Re: Video Tutorials
« on: January 16, 2013, 12:19:30 AM »
I know this will take time a lot of effort Wishgranter - do you have any expectation of timescale ? thx...

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Interesant article - scanning people
« on: January 16, 2013, 12:01:55 AM »
Yes, incredible / невероятный.

What a terrific advert for the skills of Agisoft and Lee. Bravo ! (I actually thought it was 1.764GPix - but hey, who's counting).

I started a sanctuary for 550D's today [4 off gumtree] - if anyone has an unloved one please let me know  ;)

Face and Body Scanning / Samsung NX1000
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:44:18 PM »
I want to setup a 3d photobooth [3d (human) model printing] - with a phyical high-street presence. Lee's setup is incredible but I have reasonably limited resource and [more importantly] no experience / very limited workflow knowledge - so this will be a huge task.

I've gone down many of the discovery routes [kscan3d / reconstructme (interestingly getting SDK for Leap soon), Artec / Creaform etc] but, I believe, photoscan is definitely the product of choice for quality models that [I hope] the market will provide a living from.

Multiple cameras are, of course, a pre-requisite of the business model - the android wifi remote trigger of the Samsung NX1000 looks promising. While I understand that a handful of diodes [or even an arduino/teensy++ with a little C++ control] and a shed load of old canon eos550D's will crack [part of] the hardware nut i'm wondering if anybody has experience of the [multiple] Samsung NX1000 along with photoscan that they could share ?     

General / Re: Behind the scenes of Photoscan
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:56:26 PM »
That is exactly the sort of maths that scared me to death about 30 years ago [Maxwell's electromagnetic curl / grav / div d or something ?]. Thanks for awakening some old ghosts  >:(

Seriously though - great post. Thanks !

General / Re: Video Tutorials
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:49:28 PM »
Good news Wishgranter [i'm a bit too old to use "awesome" :( ] - aside from that do you know where I can buy a brain chip insert so I can understand Object Oriented programing ?  ;) - I once tried to read a PHP book called "Objects Patterns and Practice" - never did get to the end...I suppose if you understand the maths behind Photogrammetry then OO is easy.

Face and Body Scanning / Re: Agisoft headscan setup idea with example
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:22:40 AM »
Lovely - and I 2nd your request Eugene !

I'm totally new to this but I have just read Erik Kjellman's thesis and I love it.

I especailly love "infinite's" website [thank you Lee - if things are good I want to live for ever, if things are bad i want to die before they go bad !].

So long as Microsoft/Google [goggles] etc have not inherited the earth by the end of 2013 we should all make him [Lee] the king of England, go round his place and ask for a cup of tea on his birthday [like Daniel O'Donnell in Ireland]  :)   

I don't yet know the relay config for a multi-camera setup but have asked a few suppliers for a quote on up to 150 cameras - so now need to rob a bank. I just wish I understood 3d matrix maths a bit better and was more an "artist" than a "low-level" technocrat - [I guess I need to know both !].

Not to worry - nothing that a 6 inch nail [and Lee or Mark] can't straighten out [for a reasonable consultation] - I hope !!

I want to buy Agisoft (professional) - but processing time is a big concern. I need to look at forum multi pc "network posts" and eventual cloud processing flow (if any).

Спасибо за все, что Алексей Pasumansky

By persuasion [but living in UK/N.Ireland] I'm a natural RT / Max Keiser / Russia / Communist supporter - so I love the fact that Agisoft are a "SUPERB" value Acute3d/Autodesk competitor - and based in the free world !

All this from someone who has trouble programming in Microsoft Office VBA and has only ever owned a mobile phone camera !! Happy New Year [ to the limited of good people out "there"]...

Feature Requests / Re: Cut and trim by masks
« on: January 01, 2013, 02:42:54 AM »
i want to get a rig like yours Lee and buy Agisoft - but i'll need to try and make a living at this without spending all day fixing stuff so... +1

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