« on: July 03, 2013, 11:31:27 AM »
Hi Peter,
From what I can see the visual quality of the ortho doesn't really seem to be all that much better, if at all, when produced from a higher setting. Although I haven't checked the geo-accuracy??
And yes, the sparse point cloud will be much larger when 'high' setting is selected. If you are only interested in the ortho then you may be able to get away with aligning photos on low but if you are also requiring a point cloud to accurately represent the terrain you should definitely run it on high.
It does take a long time, especially with large amounts of images but that can be easily decreased by investing in some high end computer hardware. The CPU's are dealing with Gb's of data so to a certain degree, you just have to be patient. I would recommend dual xeon processors, good ones, if you don't already have that.