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General / Re: Importing FBX & ABC Cameras not Working
« Last post by Alexey Pasumansky on October 11, 2024, 01:00:35 PM »
Hello HaydenMartin,

Please send to FBX and ABC files for import and the related Metashape project in PSZ format that contains only loaded images (without any processing applied).
« Last post by Alexey Pasumansky on October 11, 2024, 12:58:24 PM »
Hello J.K.,

Probably the source images are brighter on one side and darker on another?

In case the brightness fades from the center to the borders, you can apply the same mask to all the images to exclude the corners and sides and rebuild the orthomosaic.
General / Re: Metashape doesn't read jxl created in Adobe Camera Raw 16.4?
« Last post by Alexey Pasumansky on October 11, 2024, 12:37:14 PM »
The fix will be added in 2.1.4 and 2.2.0 updates.
General / Tie Point Discrepancy
« Last post by dsmapping on October 11, 2024, 09:24:24 AM »
Ive not ever seen this before, but after aligning the photos in our project Im getting a mismatch in tie points. One area of tie points are raised above the adjacent points. The area is fairly homogenous and I am certain this has something to do with it. Even still, how do we remedy this?  It looks like a perfect seem right down the middle of the tie points. I will caveat and say that we did not fly this ourselves but are processing for another outfit. So I do not know what parameters they flew the area with. We have tried re-running the images a couple of times and are getting the same results.
General / Re: How do I exclude black velvet background from image alignment?
« Last post by Ucodia on October 11, 2024, 09:22:22 AM »
Masks are the answer. They can be created in Metashape or external applications such as Photoshop.

We have recently updated our Foundation Course to include working with these, and there is a great worked example that can be downloaded and worked through.

One tip: Get the subject to fill as much as the frame as possible. Working from distance and then masking will work, but you are losing detail that could have included the subject.

Thank you for your answer, I was not aware of the masking option, I used a black background for masking and it works fantastic, thank you!

Attached image for the fixed alignment.
General / Re: Custom processing boundary
« Last post by JMR on October 11, 2024, 03:03:24 AM »
Hello, MarijnS:
There is no such a tool for processing only inside of an irregular boundary shape, but theres is a workaround that can do something similar. Besides what Olihar suggests that is to srink the bounding box to a size that encloses only what you need, I must agree with anyone complaining about this method not being very cost-effective in many cases where a box shape is not what we want, but rather is a U or an S or a circle shape.

For example lets say you have aligned a full dataset covering an island with round shape and 5km radius, and now you only want an ultra-high quality model of the coast with only 30 metres width without having to spend days processing the interior. In that case you would love to have a way to workaround. Well, here is one.

Right over the sparse cloud draw a polygon enclosing the area that you want (do not try to be super precise), then right clic on the shape and pick filter photos by shape. Then select all photos remaining on the photos pane and then go to the 'Edit' menu to pick 'Invert Selection' so that everything but the the wanted photos become selected (and turn pink)
then right click on the model viewport and use 'disable images' (and deselect all by selecting nothing with the fence tool in the air)

You are now ready to process just the subset of images that matter for the area you wanted and afterwards you will be allowed to use a proper boundary shapes to either clip outside or inside your deliverables.

I hope it helps you and If you wish really to shorten your learning curve from Pix4Death... just let us know.

José Martínez & ACCUPIXEL
your Metashape therapists ;-)

General / Re: Importing FBX & ABC Cameras not Working
« Last post by HaydenMartin on October 10, 2024, 11:33:41 PM »
any pointers for this?
Camera Calibration / Re: Cannot align more than 2 images at once
« Last post by Jakbac on October 10, 2024, 11:09:53 PM »
Hi Alexey,

I've fixed the problem with the removed tracks, it was just the problem that the rotation matrix of the cameras was not set up correctly as a 3x3 matrix.
Now the tie-points are correctly added to the Program, thanks for that!

However, I still have the problem that only 2 out of the 4 images are aligned (If I select all images for alignment at the same time). If I select only 2 images for alignment, I can align different pairs together. So the problems will probably the tie-points themselves.

I was just thinking, I only ever calculate matches between 2 images directly and never calculate matches that can be found on 3 or more images. It that a problem for the alignment?

Thanks a lot in advance!
« Last post by jkova96 on October 10, 2024, 09:29:48 PM »
Hi dear Agisoft team,

We faced one issue when trying to get Agisoft Metashape orthomosaic result. Problem is that everything in terms of accuracy and image alignment is fine (and everything else what comes after image alignment - point cloud, dem) but when ortomosaic was generated then we got like "coushin" or better said something like wave form across ortomosaic.

We capture photos with Wingtra ONE drone. We tested various projects with Agisoft Metashape but this is the first time that we have this issue. Can you suggest what might be wrong? I'll send you picture how final ortomosaic looks.

Here are pictures showing you how orthomosaic actually looks :

Best regards!

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