
Author Topic: Markers XML to Text File  (Read 5193 times)


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Markers XML to Text File
« on: February 14, 2019, 06:08:40 AM »

Is there any script to export MetaShape XML markers into text file with marker labels, photo labels and 2D coordinates from markers projections in the photos? Output something like:

#marker_label  #photo_label  #img_x  # img_y

I've run into lots of exemples of the opposite procedure...
Thanks in advance!
Luiz Fernando

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Markers XML to Text File
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2019, 12:05:28 PM »
Hello Luiz,

You can try to use this script sample:

Code: [Select]
file = open(path, "wt")
chunk =
photos_total = len(chunk.cameras) #number of photos in chunk
markers_total = len(chunk.markers) #number of markers in chunk

if (markers_total):
file.write(chunk.label + "\n")

for i in range (0, markers_total):    #processing every marker in chunk
cur_marker = chunk.markers[i]
cur_projections = cur_marker.projections   #list of marker projections
marker_name = cur_marker.label

for camera in cur_marker.projections.keys(): #
#for j in range (0, len(photos_list)): #processing every projection of the current marker
x, y = cur_projections[camera].coord #x and y coordinates of the current projection in pixels
label = camera.label

file.write(marker_name + "," + label + "," + "{:.4f}".format(x) + "," + "{:.4f}".format(y) + "\n")  #writing output

Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Markers XML to Text File
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2019, 06:26:41 PM »
Hello Alexey,

It works! Thank you very much!

Hello Luiz,

You can try to use this script sample:

Code: [Select]
file = open(path, "wt")
chunk =
photos_total = len(chunk.cameras) #number of photos in chunk
markers_total = len(chunk.markers) #number of markers in chunk

if (markers_total):
file.write(chunk.label + "\n")

for i in range (0, markers_total):    #processing every marker in chunk
cur_marker = chunk.markers[i]
cur_projections = cur_marker.projections   #list of marker projections
marker_name = cur_marker.label

for camera in cur_marker.projections.keys(): #
#for j in range (0, len(photos_list)): #processing every projection of the current marker
x, y = cur_projections[camera].coord #x and y coordinates of the current projection in pixels
label = camera.label

file.write(marker_name + "," + label + "," + "{:.4f}".format(x) + "," + "{:.4f}".format(y) + "\n")  #writing output

Luiz Fernando