
Author Topic: Generate Point Cloud of Manual Markers Only  (Read 934 times)


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Generate Point Cloud of Manual Markers Only
« on: December 19, 2018, 01:57:56 AM »
Hello Agisoft Community,

I am in a bit of a pickle... I have some old photographs of a structure (taken with different cameras/some are scans of photos/at varying quality) that I am working with. The biggest setback is that the photos were taken a number of years apart and after the structure was moved (different backgrounds/some of the structure is missing in later photos). This seems to be the "worst case scenario" for photogrammetry -- But I am hoping to still persevere.

I know I will not be able to get an actual 3D model from the small collection of disjointed photos (around a dozen or so), but I am hoping to generate a VERY BASIC point cloud of the manual markers that I place (on common points/features). I am not looking to align other points from the images -- just the manual markers.

I would then bring the manual marker point cloud into a modeling program to "connect the dots" so to speak.

I have tried adding manual markers on the common points among the images and then masking the entire photographs. This did not work ("Can't align cameras").

Is there a method in Photoscan that I am unaware of to only align manual markers (to generate them in 3D space)? If not in Photoscan, is there another program you would recommend?

Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions!