, try understand problematic around photogrammetry - the BASIC stuff
Syncing of frames - a bigest issue, the rolling shuter, try calculate amount of movement per 1 frame, try think that every cam is out of sync with other ( calculate movement of object for 60ms ) - try understand the problematic of this very basic stuff...... You need a 60FPS !! not a 15FPS see this video and see on the flip-flap, how sharp is it..... compression ratio - try save in pshop or something, few test files with higher and higher compression ratio - have tested with pshop 0-12 levels, under 9 you get noticeably lower amount of features detected. 4k is commpresed to aprox 45Mbits/s that mean a lot of compression - just from head, aprox. lev 8-6 on JPG sett.
As have mentioned earlier you need UNCOMPRESSED video, or just very very light compression or you get in problematic about CODEC artifact..... you need a 4:4:2 videosignal and not 4:2:0 or even lower.....
Believe me, if this was a option it was already used and the one who could solve it, not theoreticaly but practicaly, would be working with it in many studios already....
From theoretical point of view is a lot of things possible, but see only Lee has a working "PROTOTYPE" thats reliable, and even on 18Mpix its problematic to get clean results and its MONTHS of testing how to get reliable results............